Page 138 of Jameson Fox




“Daddy,” Sebastian says, reaching his little arms up. “Carry me.”

I lift him into my arms as we exit the elevator into our home. Looking at him, I ask, “Where do you think Mommy is?”

He smiles excitedly. “The gym!”

We play this game often when we come home from a day at my office, and he always says the gym. He’s usually not wrong, and today is no different.

We find her in the gym, and I take the few moments before he announces our arrival to run my gaze over my wife’s body.

She’s even more beautiful now than when I married her. And thanks to her pregnancy, she’s glowing. Not to mention, her curves are more pronounced, something I can’t get enough of.

“Mommy!” Sebastian runs to her.

She’s working out on a new piece of equipment. It’s for Pilates, I think. I recall she mentioned something about it being delivered today. Whatever the fuck it is, I like it. She’s lying on her back with her feet in some kind of straps. Her legs are spread wide and I’m now thinking about all the ways I want to spread those legs tonight.

“Hey, baby.” She stops what she’s doing, removes her feet from the straps, and sits to pull our son into her arms. Showering him with kisses, her eyes meet mine. “Did you and Daddy have a good day?”

He nods enthusiastically as I draw close. “Yes! We played with numbers.”

Adeline smiles at him. “Did you? What did you play?”

Sebastian is three and splits his days between coming to work with me and going to work with Adeline. He has a nanny who comes to work with us to help look after him, but as often during the day as we can, Adeline and I spend time with him. We’ve both cut our hours back so we can do this. Neither of us wanted to have children we don’t spend time with. It has worked so well for us that we decided to have another child. Adeline is due to give birth to our daughter in three months.

Sebastian fills her in on the numbers games he and I played today.

He’s just finishing his story when my mother joins us.

“My darling boys,” she says. “You’re home.” She holds out her arms for Sebastian who runs into them. He adores his grandmother.

Adeline comes to me. She grips my suit jacket and pulls me in for a kiss. She doesn’t take anywhere near long enough with this kiss. “Did you have a good day?”

I put my arm around her, resting my hand on her ass. I bring my other hand to her belly. “I did. How about you two?”

She looks down at her belly before glancing back up at me. “Your daughter is just like her mommy. You should prepare yourself now. She kicked all day long.” She moves my hand to her side. “Can you feel her? I swear she knows when you’re here. She kicks more. She wants her daddy’s attention.”

I feel her kick.

I feel it against my hand and against my heart.

Having Sebastian changed me, and I know having Stella will too.

I didn’t think I could love anyone the way I love Adeline, and while it’s a different love, it’s the same in that I don’t know the lengths I would go to for these three. All I know is that those lengths are immeasurable.

“Adeline,” Mom says, “I’m going to give Sebastian his bath if that’s okay with you.”

Adeline nods. “Thank you, Reese.”

Adeline loves my mother, and especially loves how Mom dotes on Sebastian. She hasn’t had anything to do with her mother or her sister since that Christmas she discovered her mother had lied about her father. I know she now thinks of my mother as a mom and has formed a close bond with her.

With a smile, Mom takes our son, leaving us alone.

I pull her close and kiss her again, this time taking as long as I want.