I glare at him. “For the record, we will not be arguing until the day you die because I will have divorced you long before then.”
“We will never divorce, Adeline.”
I stare at him while my heart starts galloping toward him.
My lungs forget how to manage the normal intake of breath. It’s chaos in there while they speed up and then try to slow down and get all out of whack.
“What?” I breathe out.
He finally lets me go and moves to the sofa to collect the envelope he brought with him. Pulling documents out, he hands me the first one. “Chatoyer is yours. I’m having my shares transferred to you.” He hands me the next document. “Black Diamant is yours.” He then holds up a copy of our marriage contract. “And this is done. Our marriage is now real.” He tears it in half and hands the torn paper to me.
If I thought my lungs didn’t know how to work properly a moment ago, they really don’t know how to now.
I glance down at the paperwork I’m holding, bewildered by it all. “You own Black Diamant?” They’re one of my biggest competitors. I had no idea Jameson owned that company.
“I took the company over when Gabriel identified they were behind the social media smear campaign against you just after we were married.”
I frown as I try to make sense of this. “Why would you do that?”
He looks at me like the answer to this question should be clearer than clear. “To stop them fucking with you.”
I look at the paperwork again.
I want to let my heart keep galloping his way, but I also want to guard her.
“Why are you doing this?”
He moves into me again. “Because I love you and I don’t want anything coming between us and confusing you. I want you to know without a shadow of a doubt that I am in this marriage for you, not a company. And if you need to wipe the slate completely clean by telling Bill it was a lie to begin with, we can do that too. I may have married you to inherit a company, but all I want now is you.”
My arms are around him before I can stop them. Not that I want to stop them.
I want everything he wants.
I want to argue with him until the day I die.
I never want to divorce.
And I want nothing between us confusing us.
His mouth crashes down onto mine and I kiss him with everything in me.
I melt into him.
My heart practically forces my chest open so she can climb out and be with him.
With this kiss and that declaration of love and that promise of never divorcing me, Jameson ruins me once and for all.
When he finally lets my mouth go, I keep hold of him and say, “I hope you’re prepared for loving me. There could be many wars ahead.”
He looks down at me with all that brown warmth that I now know is love. “I was built for loving you, baby. Not even war could keep me away.”
“The share price is up again this morning,” Douglas says over the phone during our weekly chat. “And Q1 is on track to meet our predictions.”