Page 134 of Jameson Fox

“Oh, good, because I already mentioned it to everyone and they’re excited. They’re going to come to your hotel for a drink in the bar. We’ll keep it super casual.”

We say goodbye to the supplier we’ve just met with and drive back to my hotel.

“I’m going to head up to my room to freshen up,” I say when we arrive. “Do you want to come up?”

“No, I’ll wait down here.”

I leave her and have just walked into the bathroom in my suite when there’s a loud knock at the door. That confuses me because my security guy is outside the door and has instructions not to let anyone in. When the knocking happens again, louder and more insistent this time, I make my way out to the door.

Opening it, I intend on telling whoever it is to calm down. However, I come face-to-face with a furious Jameson who barges into my suite, bringing a wild gush of anger with him.

I close the door. “Right, so just come on in,” I throw out, annoyed with the way he just assumes I want him in here.

His eyes meet mine, fury blazing in them as he drops the large envelope he’s carrying on the sofa. “I’ve been trying to find you all fucking day. I’m not waiting outside a second longer.”

“And that’smyfault?” The way he said it makes me think he believes that.

“If you’d keep me updated on your schedule, we wouldn’t have this issue.” He jabs his finger toward the door. “And as for the security you have working for you, they’re fired. They just let me through without a fucking second glance. I’ll have my men here soon.”

He is far too much.

“You’re angry with me for coming to London without telling you. I get it, but don’t you come in here and yell at me and try to boss me around. I won’t have it.”

He works his jaw. “Well, you’re going to have to have it, Adeline, because that’s what married couples do. They get angry when the other person does something they shouldn’t, and they lose their temper. Consider my temper lost.” He takes a step closer to me. “And now, we’re going to work through it and sort it out.”

“We’re not a real married couple, Jameson, in case you’ve forgotten. Although, I really don’t think you have. You love that fucking contract so much.”

“Fuck,” he says, pulling me to him. “You misunderstood me the other night when I mentioned the contract.”

I try to smack him away, but he’s got a firm grip on my arms. “Let me go! We are not doing this.”

“Wearedoing this, and you are going to listen to me.”

I press my hands to his chest. “I’m done being bossed around by you.”

He slides his arm around my waist and holds me tightly to him. The anger vibrating off him matches the heat that’s always there with us. I want to shove that heat away so I can only respond to the anger, but my body can never ignore it. “You will never be done with me bossing you. I won’t ever allow that.”

“Right, so you’re doing the same thing you did when I brought up moving to London. You want to boss me into doing whatever works for you.”

“You ran London by me to see if moving here would work for the marriage. I thought through the practicalities. I fucked up, though. I should have told you that me not wanting you in London had nothing to do with the contract and everything to do with the fact I’m a selfish bastard and do not want you living anywhere but with me.”

My heart beats faster.

She’s running to him.

I do my best to hold her back.

“Well, it’s too bad. I’m here now.” I stand strong. I cannot give him my heart.

“I can see that. I can also see that you’re in the mood to argue with me.”

“No, I’m done arguing with you. We don’t ever have to argue again.”

“Fuck,” he rasps, fierce determination raging in his eyes. “We will be arguing until the day I die.”

I try again to remove myself from his hold.

And I fail again because he uses his strength to keep me right where I am.