Page 132 of Jameson Fox

“This can’t be good,” he says.

I yank my tie off. “It’s not. Where is Adeline?”

“Let me check.” He turns silent while he checks his system. He takes longer than I expect. Not a great sign. “Adeline cancelled her security this morning. We don’t know where she is.”

I tear at the buttons of my shirt, ripping a few off while freeing my chest of the material suffocating me. “And you didn’t think it important to tell me this?”

He takes a moment before replying. “No. You’ve never specified that you wanted to be alerted to Adeline making changes to her security detail.”

“In future, alert me to any fucking change that hasn’t come directly from me. Are we clear?”



I jab at the phone to end the call and immediately phone Shantel while wondering why the fuck I don’t have Adeline’s assistant’s number.

She answers straight away. “I’m on my way home, but if you need me to go back to the office for something, I can,” she says. “But for the record, this could lead to me being cranky tomorrow since I’ll miss an episode of my favorite show and—”

“Shantel.” I work hard to contain my frustration but fail. “I need you to get in touch with Adeline’s assistant to find out where she is.”

I’m greeted by silence before she launches into a monologue. “How do you not know where your wife is? I swear if you’ve fucked this up, I will throttle you myself. I’ve had to sit through years of awful, awful women that you’ve dated, making reservations for dinners with them, and weekends away with them, and dealing with their whiny bullshit. Adeline is a treasure, Jameson.A Treasure!Oh my God, it’s after ten at night and you don’t know where she is! I’m hanging up right now so I can find her for you.”

The line goes dead, and I stare at my phone.


Shantel has never spoken to me that way. Something tells me I should prepare for more of it in the future.

Fucking hell.

I pace my office while I wait for her to call back. I contemplate phoning my mother to see if she heard from Adeline, but I don’t want to worry her at this time of night.

Shantel only takes a few minutes before coming back to me. “Right, I’m getting the jet ready because your wife has gone to London and something tells me if you didn’t know she was going there, you need the jet. Pack your bag. I’ll text you the flight details as soon as I have them.”

She’s gone before I have a chance to speak, but I’m already halfway to the bedroom, focused on packing a bag and getting the fuck to London.

My mind races.

I replay our argument from last night over and over, trying to figure out what the hell I said that made her leave like this.

She wanted to move to London.

I pointed out why that wouldn’t work.

It was a no-brainer to me.

We can’t do anything that will put our goals at risk.

Shantel has the jet ready in a few hours.

I spend those hours pacing.


Going over and over the argument we had.

Figuring out how to convince Adeline not to leave me.