Page 125 of Jameson Fox

I pull out of her and turn her to me. “I will find a way to get you to wear it.”

Her eyes smile as she leans in and kisses me. “How long do you anticipate your denial over not being able to boss me into things will continue?”

“I don’t deal in denial.”

A sexy look fills her features. “You’re even in denial over your denial.” Her lips brush mine again. “I’m going to enjoy watching your downfall.” She pushes me gently. “Now, we have tacos to go and eat, so you need to leave me to get ready.”

“You’re ready.”

She gives me a look that says she thinks I’m a clueless male. “You just fucked me. You’re all in me and over me. I am not ready anymore. And”—her eyes widen—“I have a chin hair to remove.”

She shoos me out of her bathroom.

She showers and gets ready.

I shower and change while contemplating again whether to tell Adeline about her sister.

I still haven’t come to a decision on that when she joins me in the bedroom.

“Can you please help me with my necklace?” she asks, coming to me.

I take her necklace as she turns around. After I fasten it around her neck, I slide my hands around her waist and lean in close. “You look beautiful.”

Her hands come to mine as she breathes out, “Thank you.”

I’ve just kissed her neck when Bill’s voice sounds from the bedroom doorway. “Sorry to interrupt, but I need a minute, Jameson.”

I glance at him, noting the approval in his eyes.

Adeline steps out of my hold and looks at Bill with a smile. “Be quick or else I’m going to leave for Reese’s by myself. I’m starving because my husband can’t keep his hands to himself.”

With that, she leaves the bedroom.

I struggle to remove my eyes from her ass, but I do.

“What’s up?” I ask Bill while we walk into my office.

He discusses a new direction he’s considering taking his company in, asking for my thoughts on his idea. We talk about this for longer than the minute he asked for. Instead of being focused solely on him like I normally would be, I’m distracted by thoughts of Adeline and the fact she’s hungry.

Bill stops mid-sentence while detailing something I can’t quite keep up with. “You want to get back to Adeline.” It’s not a question. It’s an observation. One that is accurate.

I nod. “Yes.”

He smiles. “We’ll talk about this tomorrow. Are you free for lunch?”

“I’ll have Shantel move my schedule around so I am.”

As I walk him out, he places his hand on my shoulder and slows me down. “I’m happy for you, son.”

I don’t process that fully until he tells Adeline goodbye and steps into the elevator. The look he gives me as he leaves tells me everything I need to know: Bill doesn’t have any doubts about my marriage now.

Adeline looks up at me once we’re alone. “I have to admit I thought you were going too far when you insisted we share a bedroom, but you were right about Bill checking in on that.”

“He’s not a man to be underestimated.”

“I know that now.” She takes hold of my shirt. “Okay, you need to get your ass down to the car and take me to dinner. And maybe if you drive, I’ll be persuaded to take some risks with you tonight.”

* * *