Page 88 of Fight for Love

We’d had to call up Sophie’s mum and dad before we returned home; she’d obviously broken open the dam and needed people around her.

“I’ll tell ye when I ken more about it all,” he said. “For now, let’s just go on a wee holiday.”

“If you think it wise.”

“Aye, ah do.”

Six hours later, we touched down in Cyprus. Curious. Lots of ex-military retired to Cyprus, did they not? We’d also flown in one of the jets used by government and Royal family members, right out of RAF Northolt without even any passport checks. Perhaps Caelan had done that beforehand. Security-minded, indeed. To my utter surprise and delight, a rather tanned and happy looking Morag and Harold met us at the gates, Morag with her arms thrown wide open to us.

“What’s going on?” I asked, eyebrows crawling off my forehead.

“An auld friend let us have his place here for a few weeks, seemed a tad ungrateful to pass on it,” said Harold, with a wink. It was obvious he and Morag had benefited from the sunshine and a different set of four walls.

Seeing them both in shorts and t-shirts was a new experience indeed. Morag had even used the hair removal cream I gave her over a year ago, for her legs were smooth! I couldn’t wait to get out of my jeans and vest top and pull on a dress or jumpsuit. I hoped he’d packed those!

We piled into a large vehicle, one of the security guards we’d travelled with loading our luggage in the back. We were to be chauffeur driven and when I turned to Morag next to me, she shrugged. “They collected us and told us you’d be flying in.”

“Did you come to Cyprus because you were invited…?”

“Harold’s as mysterious as yer man, lassie. Dinna ask me. I’m just glad it’s all free.”

I sniggered and kept my suspicions to myself.

The villa near Coral Bay in Paphos was situated on a hillside overlooking the sea. Typically Greek, with white walls and light furnishings, tiled floors and generous space. Huge kitchen! There was a pool and gardens, it was gated and set within high hedges. It seemed designed for privacy and safety. There were half a dozen bedrooms and as many bathrooms, massive sectional seating in the living areas (including outside) and incredible views if you stood upstairs on one of the balconies, looking out across the bay down below. It seemed like paradise. And strange that so far Morag and Harold seemed to have been staying here alone. Perhaps the plan had always been for us to follow?

Morag went into immediate hostess mode and made us some cold drinks, then had the bodyguard heft our stuff upstairs so she could start to unpack us. They had one of the suites on the one side of the property, and we would have the other on the opposite side. Because our room was so big, they’d already had a net-covered crib put in our bedroom beneath a window. Everything seemed rather pre-planned.

I didn’t question it too deeply because I was so tired from my night with Sophie the day before. I’d slept somewhat on the plane, but I really needed a good, proper full night’s sleep.

Caelan asked me if I was all right as I slumped on a sun lounger beneath an awning which jutted out from the property to create shade. Logan was indoors having a nap in his car seat in the living room, Harold occasionally rocking him whenever he seemed to complain a little. I’d changed him into little shorts on the plane ride here, but his ears would be ringing for a bit and I’d only been able to settle him earlier on the boob.

He knelt beside me as I blew the loose strands of hair out of my face. Concern was in his eyes.

“I’m just… taking it in,” I answered. “I’m too tired to think or do very much right now. Sophie was an absolute mess last night. I thought I had problems but that wazzock of hers…”

“Aye, I’d had a feeling about him,” said Caelan.

“You did?”

“Playboy,” he grunted.

I stared back at him. “Too true.”

I let the sun begin to seep into my weary bones, even in the shade it was delightful. “Have you heard from Dad since the other day?”

“We spoke this morning,” he said with a hint of guilt.

“Can I have his number?”

“Nae, mine’s secure, lass. So you can use my phone. But sparingly.”

I gulped but appreciated I could contact him at all. One day you’re bobbing along imagining yourself to be an entire orphan, and the next, your living, breathing father reappears like a phoenix, back from the dead. It was odd but thinking about it, the whole way he “died” had been a little bizarre, hadn’t it?

Caelan rubbed my ankle. “Anything I can fetch you, Flora?”

“Just keep rubbing that like that.”

He moved into a better position so he could rub my entire foot. Soon, he was rubbing both. I smiled and closed my eyes behind my sunglasses, groaning. “Keep doing that and I’ll be asleep in seconds.”