Page 55 of Fight for Love

“What about him?” I said.

“He’s coming wi’ us.”

Caelan left the bed and got dressed.

It was clear, this was far from over.

By evening we were back in London and at the house. The mansion. Eric and Caelan did security checks while I got myself reinstalled.

I made it clear I didn’t want either of them near me while I bathed, got changed and ate my dinner—a microwave meal—alone.

And at bedtime, I slept the sleep of a thousand dreams, each more terrible than the last.

I didn’t see an end to this, nor a beginning to the next part of my life.

All I saw was my son, his needs, and our cocoon.

The scariest part of it all?

I wanted to call up my father, ask him to come get me, take me somewhere far away from both of these men… save me. Tell me what to do. Where to go. Give me the answers I craved, put it all into perspective for me. Show me the way.

Even worse than wanting to speak to my father, I wanted Eric to sneak in with me between the sheets and slide his cock inside me, make love to me carefully like he had done before Caelan came home. No questions, nothing but comfort and calm.

That’s all I’d ever wanted, but that night, it felt like happiness was the furthest away from me it had ever been.

Chapter Twenty-Two

By dawn I was resolved. Eric had to go. I couldn’t see him again. I’d been a fool. This was a mess we could sort out, but just Caelan and I—no third party. Get rid of Eric, then, rebuild: that was my plan.

After feeding Logan and using the bathroom, I crashed into the wall of muscle and man that was my husband, meeting him as he strode down the hallway in his combat clothes.

A thick wave of dread ran through me. What now? What the hell now?

He played with the cuffs on his long-sleeve army shirt. It was obvious he hadn’t had much sleep. Had he and Eric stayed up talking? Had he killed Eric yet?

All these thoughts raged and I tried to calm myself down, since there were no scabs or bruises on Caelan’s knuckles—and he wouldn’t have been so cheap as to shoot a man without a proper fight.

“I huv to go away a couple of days.” There was no room for compromise, I could tell. His voice was so sombre, almost hollow. “Eric will remain here to guard you and the bairn.”

Avoiding my eye, I knew something had come to light overnight—something he wouldn’t trouble me with. Though I’d potentially be able to help if he would only tell me.

“Is this to do with our current situation, or is this more work for the government?”

“Both.” He lifted his eyes then and I saw only Machine Caelan, ready for action.

Ready to maim, destroy, overcome—worm his way out of another dodgy predicament.

Even outwit every single enemy until he stood over a battlefield riddled with bodies, yet, ultimately, was able to declare victory.

He wouldn’t lose, I knew that.

It wasn’t in his nature.

“There’s a lot we haven’t talked about,” I murmured.

“Aye.” He wrapped his hands around my wrists and stared into space behind me. “I ken there is.”

“What really happened with Sherry? How did she… we’ve never talked, not properly. How she got you trailing me… what she said. How much you knew. What was your plan? I want to know everything. Including the times you saved me.”