Page 30 of Fight for Love

There was a tight smile, then he bounded for the stairs.

I’d said too much.

Chapter Twelve

We avoided one another for days after that. He went on extra-long runs. I used Caelan’s punching bag in the downstairs mini-gym and focused on taking care of Logan—often inviting Morag over for tea and cake once Eric was out running off steam.

It was during one of our tea and cake sessions that something new came up in conversation.

“Has it crossed ye mind what ye’ll do if he dinna come back?”

I shook my head, revolted by the notion, giving her a flat, “No.”

“What about the bairn? He’ll need a father.”

I stared at her blankly, wondering where she was going with this.

“I mean, what about yon Eric? He loves the bairn, clearly. Reminds him of his chieftain, no doubt.”

How’d she come to this conclusion? A few days ago, she couldn’t stand the fella. Now…

Unless, they’d been spying on us through the windows and she was fishing. They had seen that whenever I had a shower, Eric made sure he kept an eye on the baby, or…

“What are you trying to say, Morag?”

“Weeeel, himself surely should be home bi’now.”

“Yeah, true. But that doesn’t mean he’s coming back dead.”

She grimaced and smiled, or maybe both, at the same time.

“You’re not cheating on the lord with the laddie then?”

I threw my head back laughing. “What the hell gave you that idea?”

She shrugged. “Man acts like he’s running off the world’s biggest erection.”

“True,” I deadpanned, and she nearly fell off her chair wheezing with laughter. “Which means I haven’t let him anywhere near me obviously.” She raised one shrewd eyebrow. “He’s just… Eric. He’s bored and would prefer to be back out there, but he’s on leave.”

I hadn’t told her or Harold about the episode in Brighton. I hadn’t wanted to worry them. I’d only told them that work had forced me to take time off and that they’d suggested Eric as a temporary bodyguard. They didn’t know the half of it.

She pursed her lips and wasn’t convinced, I could tell. “Something is afoot. How could he nae be attracted to a woman such as yeself?”

“He really isn’t.”

“I’ve barely been down here, lassie but it’s obvious ye could cut the air with a knife.”

That was true, but I kept telling myself, that was just because of the stuff I’d figured out about him. He was feeling exposed, I’d decided—vulnerable.

“Caelan will be home. You know Caelan. He goes off and has an adventure, then he comes home. Nobody will replace him as Logan’s dad. End of.”

“Aye, expect you’re right lassie, as always.”

“Yes, you’ll see. He’ll be home.”

I wished I believed that as deeply as it sounded like I did.
