Page 125 of Fight for Love

Once I’d reported everything that’d happened, Dad wheezed a bit, caught his breath, and then told me, “I’ve got days, Flora. But I don’t want you here. Do you understand?”

I didn’t let myself cry. This had been the second chance most people never got. We were lucky to have had that when far worthier people never even got chance to say goodbye once, let alone, twice.

“I understand,” I said, “this is easier.”

“Thank you,” he breathed, taking another hit of oxygen.

“But I want to say something,” I said, cupping my mouth while I gathered myself. Shaking my tired limbs out, I gazed into the camera. “Thank you.”

“What for?” he asked, puzzled as to what I could possibly have to thank him for.

“For the strength inside me to overthrow a tyrant.”

Dad sucked in deep breaths, then smiled. “Don’t tell Caelan, but I actually like him.”

I laughed. “You never like anybody!”

He shrugged, eyes popping. “I know!”

Dad looked tired and ready to depart, so I sighed and waved goodbye. “Dad, say hello to her for me.”

He shut his eyes and smiled from ear to ear. There was such peace in his expression then. “I will.”

“Go with peace.”

“Promise me something, Flora?”

“Anything,” I said.

“Don’t let that man involve you in any more SAS shit, all right?”

I huffed a laugh. “I won’t. It’s all castle renovations from now on, more babies, more royal garments to fix and display, and such like. All the way. Nothing but.”

“All the way,” he murmured.

“I promise.”

Chapter Fifty-Two

~ Caelan ~

A week since the dramatic events in Cyprus had unfolded, he strode into the prince’s private members’ club like an utter nobody. To most people here, he was nothing. He preferred that. The anonymity. Being treated like a normal nobody was perfect. Here, it wasn’t the done thing to draw attention to anyone—no matter who they were or how many front pages they’d just been splashed across. All were afforded utmost privacy. A coveted thing in some circles. He saw why the prince liked it.

Rather than it being so businesslike as it usually was, the prince was waiting with open arms to embrace him. Caelan allowed a quick manly hug, the prince clapping him on the back.

“So happy to see you well,” said his friend.

“Me too,” said Caelan, chuckling.

They sat opposite one another, then Caelan said with an air of reluctance, “So, about that knighthood…”

“Ah. Yes. I’ve already had a word with some people.” The prince tapped his nose with an index finger. “You’d already been suggested by someone else, anyhow.”

Caelan felt incredulous. “Who?”

“The last outgoing prime minister apparently added you to their honours list. Something about you talking to his son at one of your training camps.” Caelan didn’t remember such a lad. “He’d used a false name, of course. Apparently, your words saved the young man’s life. Something about it being okay to talk. Lots of other young men also mentioned your training camps were invaluable. It’s all online but I expect you don’t have a lot of time to go trawling for casual testimonials.”

Caelan was speechless. He’d often run free camps in the past for under-25s, since he didn’t need the money and had spare free time, but he’d never done it for any kind of special recognition. He’d done it because he knew how giving men space to be able to talk and be themselves meant the difference between loving life and beginning to despise it.