Page 115 of Fight for Love

He shook his head slowly. “Right now, I wouldna. It’s hot right now, lass.”

“You’re right.”

He took my hands between his. “Listen. Our Cypriot friends are working with us, too. We’re well covered.”

I handed him the baby to hold and Logan mercifully did not wake as he felt his father’s strength, heat and scent cradling him.

“There are guys much cleverer than us searching for her, Flora. Let’s sit tight.”

I wished I could believe we were going to get through this—whateveritwas.

Covering my face with my hands, I sighed, “I wish I knew what it was she wants.”

“It has to be Blake,” he spoke coolly. “The timing. She starts up when she kens I’m preoccupied in Ukraine. And by the way, she more than likely has contacts there who transported drugs through the country for them.”

“I see.”

“She was gonna use you to get to him. While I was gone, she thought…”

“But Eric hindered her… you came back… how could she ever hope to get to me now?”

His eyes darkened… a lot. “Flora, I wish I had ne’er listened to her.”

I opened my hands. “But then we’d have never met.”

“Aye.” He reached for my hand and squeezed it, then leaned down to kiss my knuckles. “This is the price we’re paying for daring to love… because we broke their evil mould.”

One of the bodyguards Mickey entered the room. I knew it was him without having to look over my shoulder because he was a big fan of Lynx deodorant. Caelan and I turned at the same time to see him say, “Last night, a private plane which departed a small airfield in Norfolk disappeared somewhere off the coast of North Africa a few hours later. Manifest tampered with. Some other paperwork looks dodgy now they’ve started to comb through.”

We looked at one another. Did it mean anything?

“Nothing more?” said Caelan.

“Not yet.”

Mickey left the room.

“Is this something people like her do?”

“If this was her, she could’ve gone anywhere by now. West, east, south! Anywhere.”

“But she’s not supposed to have any money!” I exclaimed.

“Nae, but if she’s got something someone wants, then… she can bargain.”

“Like I said, I wish I knew.”

“Ak ken, lass. Holy fuck, do I wish I had a magic wand. Christ, I do!” He didn’t sound himself and the strain in his body was obvious.

“Caelan, with those stunts she pulled in Brighton, at the cabin and afterwards, she obviously wants to use me to send a message to my father. He has something she wants. Perhaps information.”

“Or she’s vengeful,” he said.

“Or that. Yes.”

Eric entered the room and sat beside me, his bulk making the chair beneath him creak. Stabbing his finger into the table, he said, “May I present my take?”

“Tell us,” I urged, while Caelan shifted uncomfortably.