Page 114 of Fight for Love

“He will.”

I slipped my fingers through his. “Did you and he speak last night?”

“Briefly. He’s still angry with me.” Eric rolled his eyes. “But he’s not going to let anything happen to you. Nobody knows you’re here.”

“Yet,” I said.

Eric rubbed his hands up and down my arms as the chill made my hairs stand on end. He looked concerned and said, “He mentioned the miscarriage.”

“Yeah.” I felt sad again, the reminder painful. “I hope he didn’t tell you in a nasty way?”

“No, he just said it’d happened and I shouldn’t let it happen again.” His sorry gaze was genuinely repentant.

“It’s… it was an accident. It could still have been a bad period. It could’ve been blood left over from the birth. I don’t know… these quack doctors here…”

He stopped me, a hand on my cheek, a serious look in his eye. “Listen. To. Me. I’m sorry, angel. Okay?”

“Me too,” I squeaked, before crawling into his arms again.

I fell back to sleep easier than I thought I would.

Chapter Forty-Seven

When we came down for breakfast, the kitchen was busy with people on laptops. Caelan barely looked up from his except to give a brief nod. I knew I was expected to look after myself and the baby while they got on with everything.

Logan and I sat in the indoor dining room alone and he was grouchy, throwing himself about in his highchair, his eyes darting as he searched for his father. He ate some food and I held him as he thrashed in my arms, eventually getting him back off to sleep for a midmorning nap.

Caelan entered the room behind me, put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them.

“I needed some space last night. Sorry if it irked you that I sent him to keep you company.”

“No, I understand.” I looked up into his eyes. “We didn’t do anything. I don’t think we will, either.”

“It’s your body, Flora. But I would prefer if ye didna.” His sharp stare told me he’d have to bite his tongue hard if Eric and I were ever to… again.

“It was just a cuddle, nothing more,” I assured him, and he believed me.

He took the seat next to me. “Everyone is on it. There’s been no sign of her. Maybe she’s gone into hiding.”

“She wants to kill my father and reclaim her daughters.”

“Do ye think?” Caelan asked, sounding serious, but also surprised I would assume she needed to see her girls again.

Maybe it wasn’t that at all.

“I’m not sure, Caelan. I wouldn’t like to put myself in her head.”

“In ma heid, she kens how rich we are and would like to kidnap you or the baby and have me cough up what she believes she is rightfully owed.”

I shrugged. “She could do that to anyone. I mean, look! She brainwashed a whole prison guard, allegedly.”

Caelan was inclined to agree. “She might verra well be on her way to Florida already to visit with yer father if she managed to find him somehow.”

“Hadn’t thought of that.” I chewed the tip of my thumb. “Has he been warned?”

“I should think he keeps abreast of UK news.”

“Can I call him?”