Page 111 of Fight for Love

“I got really wet and came… loads.”

“I do remember it, lass.”

“So, you don’t try to keep it buried? Deep down?”

“I kenned you were a whore from the beginning, with even more of a sexual appetite than us men put together.”

“Now you’re getting it.” I reached behind me for his butt and squeezed it. “How lucky have I been? To know two such beautiful men.”

He made a growly grunting noise under his breath. “Hmm. There is still that matter.”

“I know, I know. He might be a devious killer and all that.”

“He probably is,” he said sullenly.


When he suddenly sank into me from behind, I threw my head back laughing and he growled, “Whore.”


I tipped my lips up to his and we made lazy, lovely love.

Chapter Forty-Five

We ate breakfast beside the pool the next morning, the parasol above our heads beating off the worst of the sharp early-morning sun which threatened to sizzle, even through the thin white cotton dressing robe I wore.

“Was it everything you wanted last night?” I asked, peering at him from beneath sunglasses.

He bounced Logan in his arms as he fed them both bits of banana. “My fantasy is us, Scotland… the dog. That’s it.”

I held my chin up on my fist. “You want to renovate the castle back to glory and leave London.”

He shrugged. “That’s what I want.”

“Maybe I could get used to it.”

He stuck his lip out. “I wouldna want you miserable up there.”

“I guess we won’t know until we try.” He looked infinitely relieved. Perhaps I was desperate to repair things. Whatever the cost. “I think it’d be a marvellous thing to see it restored. I think you could give a lot of people up there something to feel proud of. A new challenge for you, too. Employment for some, even.”

“I dinna care about any o’ that.” He passed me the baby when Logan started to become antsy. It was too hot for him already. I lay him in his buggy and rocked it a little, letting the breeze hit his face for a while before I pushed him indoors into darker shade than the hood of his buggy was capable of.

When I returned to the table, he said, “All I want, Flora… is for you to be happy.”

“I’d have to live with Morag and Harold or use the annexe. More workmen will drive me insane.” I rolled my eyes. “Or… I could work a few days a week up at Balmoral. They’ve always got something on the go and would find space for us. I’d like to learn more about tartan weaving. I think we should take up the tradition again. You know? The old-fashioned way.”

His face was a picture of happiness. “And maybe, have more bairns?”

I nodded fast. “If you get the castle repaired enough to accommodate us, perhaps.”

He cracked his knuckles. “See if I dinna.”

I smiled at him. “If we’ve got the money, I’d like to keep the London house.”

He nodded his head. “We have.”

“Good, it’s got our stamp on it. Would be a shame. Plus, when Logan is bigger, he’ll have to go to school somewhere. We might need a house there, just in case.”