He laughed and rubbed his face in the covers, turning his head to clean himself.
“My turn,” he said. “On your knees.”
I got on my knees without question and he wanked himself over my face. I held out my tongue and sucked his balls into my mouth whenever he would allow it, which wasn’t often, he was so sensitive I could tell. When he came it went everywhere, in my hair, on my forehead, some in my mouth and some dribbling down my chin and between my breasts.
Eric gasped with delight, his chest heaving, his body slick with sweat.
“It’s gonna be like this all night,” he gritted out.
I was still licking his leaking cock. “I hope so.”
I woke up at four to him stroking my hair, his mouth resting against my temple, my leg wrapped across his waist and my arms around his shoulders.
“I really love you, Flora,” he said, trembling. “And I hate that I do.”
“I’ve only ever told two people I love them.”
I waited for him to speak, but when I realised he needed prompting, I said, “Me, and before that, Caelan?”
“Yeah, and one was a false love, and this real love can never be because of that false love. How ironic.”
It seemed he hadn’t slept one wink. His voice was hoarse and he was speaking as if he’d been conscious this whole night and all these thoughts were so clear… the situation never more apparent to him.
“Why are you different around Caelan?” I heard myself sound harsh.
“What do you mean?”
“Like… a bloke. Blokeish. Like… carefree. Like… I don’t know.”
“Hmm. That’s what blokes do… act like blokes around other blokes.”
“But I thought you loved him?”
“Yeah. Past tense.”
He pulled me closer and groaned at the closeness we had, the warmth. It made me shiver. I rubbed my nose against the dusting of soft hair across his chest.
“How could we do this to him? Leave him with nothing? We can’t. This is dangerous and you know it is, Eric. It has to stop no matter how much this will hurt. It has to. He’ll kill you. I know he will.”
“Your father?” He tensed beneath me.
“No, Caelan.”
“You’re right,” he conceded.
“We both know what he used to be. He’s always a hair’s breadth away from reverting back.”
He sighed, teasing his fingers through my hair again. “Tell me you love me. One more time.”
I slid on top of him and fed my hands into his hair, getting it good and wrapped around my fingers. I tugged his lips through my teeth and gazed into his eyes, loving how dazed he appeared.
“I love you, my silver fox. My lover. My friend.” I leaned in and kissed him lazily, smiling into the kiss, then sinking my mouth into his until we were full-on kissing.
Until we were breathless, we kissed.
Then I went back to being wrapped around him, our bodies absolutely destroyed from a full night of lovemaking. He sighed against my hair.