Page 8 of Fight for Love


He held himself up over me and for some reason I thought of our first time, writhing and reckless on the rug in front of the fire, the way his body was sweaty from his run around the loch, the tang of the outdoors in his hair. How he’d loved me like nobody else ever had. I hadn’t thought twice then… when I didn’t know what it really meant. Before I knew how deeply he’d love me, and how deeply I would love him.

“Caelan, wait,” I said, and reached for my shirt, yanking it off. He gasped as our chests met and I could feel his heart thwacking against mine. “Use a condom.”

“I already put six under the pillows. Just in case.”

I threw my head back laughing. Then I looked at him, so powerful and crazily handsome, at my mercy. I still sometimes didn’t believe it. He leaned in and kissed me so tenderly, softly, smothering but also loving.

I’d forgotten this.



How could I have forgotten it?

My belly was soon a pool of molten lust, and I wrapped my arms and legs around him, letting him kiss my mouth, face, throat… then my breasts. He was slick with sweat by the time he had my nipple in his mouth, softly agitating until he could taste a bit of our baby’s milk. Growling, he cursed, “Fuck!”

He yanked my knickers down between us and rolled on a condom. I pushed my breasts up towards his chest and groaned as he slid through my folds, teasing his head against my clit.

He waited until I spread my legs wider, until my nails were in his buttocks, my mouth open and my eyes wide, and he plunged home, causing me to moan and him to bite his lip trying to restrain himself.

Then a second later, we seemed to see one another again, properly, for the first time since I’d told him I was pregnant. It was us again. Just us.

“Kiss me, Caelan. God, I love you.”

“I’ll no stop until ye tell me to.”

He didn’t, either. We got swept up for most of that night.

It was the closeness, the love, the longing and the cuddles that were the best.

Neither of us wrestled with the sheets that night; we slept so soundly in each other’s arms.

Chapter Three

Waking up naked together was gorgeous, but also soul-destroying. He was already awake and had been studying me. The love in his eyes was unmistakable; then the memory of his impending departure hit. I was humming from our lovemaking, deliciously sore and feeling more myself again. Then I heard the baby kicking around in his crib and cooing, my heart racing for a moment before I looked over and saw he was fine.

“I fed him some from the freezer,” said Caelan. “To let ye sleep. It’s only 7.30.”

“I should get ready to go to work.” I’d normally leave before eight.

“Nae, lass.” He wrapped his arms tight around me and kissed my shoulder, then tucked my face into his chest. The warmth, solidity and smell of him almost carolled me back to sleep.

“Tell me one thing, Caelan.”


“When it’s done, will it be truly done?”

His chest rose and fell sharply and I felt the tremble in his touch. “I swear it. I swear on Logan’s life. I’m done wi’ it, Flora. I have been since we met. I swear it.”

I pulled my head out of his chest and looked up into his face. “Then why have I felt for a while now that our life isn’t enough for you?”

“Because it isna, Flora.”

Shocked, I could barely meet his eye—and we’d made love that was so intoxicating last night, I’d come multiple times, his worship of me that intense. Seeing my obviously emotional response, he elaborated, “Flora, ma heart is in Scotland. I realised it when it dawned on me we’d be a ma and pa. I realised where I’d like to bring him up. I’m sorry.”