“Relax and do nothing for a while. I’m envious that you’ll be able to create your own schedule. Do you miss your insane hours at the magazine yet?”

Sophie snorted. “Yeah, no. I’m excited about my schedule too but it’s a little nerve-wracking.”

The beautiful day beckoned, and she stepped outside and crossed the verdant lawn. She sat down on the ornate wrought-iron bench and savored the salty air caressing her face and hair. She hummed with pleasure as the fragrant smell of flowers wafted into her nostrils.

“You’ve got a year to write your book. I know you need peace and quiet, but I worry about you isolating yourself. I’m coming to visit the first free weekend I have, okay?”

“I’d love that. Anything exciting happen since I left?” Time to change the subject.

Kelly cleared her throat. “Actually, yes. Part of the reason I called was because Doug showed up at my office today, demanding to know where you were. Claimed it was urgent he speak with you.”

Her mouth went dry. “What? No, he can’t find me. Why is he looking for me?” She dug her fingernails into her now sweaty palms.

“Don’t worry. I told him to get lost. I’ll never forgive the way that jerk treated you.”

“Does he really think he can sweet talk me? This isn’t about me. It’s his Mr. Number One Salesman ego being unable to lose. I need to go. I’ll call you soon.” Sophie’s phone slipped from her fingers onto the grass.

Unable to stop herself, she flashed back to the day, almost two months ago, when she’d been sipping champagne with her best friends as she prepared to walk down the aisle. She’d been cackling at one of her old friend’s anecdotes from their high school misadventures when the wedding planner had knocked on the door of the hotel suite. Vanessa’s complexion was chalky and her eyes damp when she handed her an envelope.

Doug’s message had stopped her heart. He’d decided he didn’t want to marry her.

She blinked furiously and dragged herself back to the present. No more blaming herself for trotting along, planning the wedding, without a clue he’d been sleeping with some bimbo for the previous eight months.

She would not shed another tear for him.

She’d pulled together the tattered remnants of her heart. Doug was a vampire who’d sucked out all her optimism, her light, and her strength. No man was ever getting that close to her again. Ever. The true love, marriage, family, and happily-ever-after life was for others, not for her.

She could have a fulfilling, wonderful life filled with meaningful work and her friends. A few no-strings hook-ups with guys sometime in the distant future would sustain her, thank you very much. She had Zack, who had adored her from the moment she rescued him. Animals’ love was pure. They always loved you, no matter what.

It was enough.

It had to be enough.

Now she’d pour every ounce of passion she’d wasted on Doug into making her childhood dream of publishing a novel a reality. She’d only stayed atHealthy Womanso long because he’d demanded they had a double income to get married. Even when she’d fallen ill from the stressful deadline-driven position, he’d insisted she be practical.

Screw Doug.

And screw practical.


Nick guided his convertible BMW down the hill and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Sparks from the moment when he and Sophie’s hands touched continued to reverberate through his system. What was it about her that immediately tugged at him? Sure, she was stunning, with her shiny mahogany hair, big sapphire eyes, and creamy skin.

But it wasn’t simply physical. Was it her bubbly laughter when Bailey had leaped on her? She’d smelled delicious, like warm vanilla. Or maybe her obvious desire to get rid of him intrigued him?

Maybe he needed to get a life. Over the last few months, he had buried himself in drafting plans for the new art museum. Eager to create a unique masterpiece and leave his mark on the world forever with a building nobody would forget.

The sun warmed his skin as he cruised onto Highway 1 back to his office. Bailey sighed with joy in the passenger seat, the cool wind pressing her ears back. She’d stolen his heart the day he’d gone with a friend to the pound, with her liquid brown eyes beckoning to him from behind sterile metal bars. Although he loved living solo and being unencumbered, she’d reminded him of his beloved childhood mutt. Now he couldn’t imagine life without her.

When he pulled into the office driveway, pride filled his chest at the Morgan Designs sign over the awning. Ever since he saw the soaring skyscrapers of Manhattan as a young boy, he’d never questioned his destiny. He’d decided then to follow in his architect father’s footsteps and change the landscape, one building at a time.

He bounded up the stairs two at a time, eager to return to his comfort zone. Entering his office, he headed to his desk and Bailey plopped onto her dog bed. Before he could settle onto his stool, the phone rang.

“Have you met the new tenant yet?” his sister Alyssa demanded.

He ran his tongue around his teeth. “Yeah.”
