* * *

Sophie’s visionblurred as she stared at the computer screen. So much for her initial attempt at writing her book. Her stomach rumbled.Groceries––she needed groceries. She sprang up from her chair and snagged her purse.

She’d brave the rollercoaster ride into town and buy groceries. The stale protein bar she’d gnawed on this morning wasn’t exactly the breakfast of champions. Once she’d stocked the kitchen with healthy food, she’d be calm and focused.


Somehow navigating down the twisting tree-lined lane was easier than her ascent. Amazing what a good night’s sleep and a fresh environment could do. The Whole Foods was a quick drive down the Pacific Coast Highway. Charming restaurants and boutiques lined the main road through town, imparting a sense of sophistication. Hope for her fresh start filled her.

When she turned into the store’s half-empty parking lot, she scored a spot close to the entrance. She grabbed a cart and cruised through the aisles. Grocery shopping soothed her—probably because she loved to eat so much. Not that she could cook, but she had serious vegetable-chopping skills and could scramble the heck out of an egg. Because she planned on chaining herself to her computer for the foreseeable future, she crammed the cart full of colorful produce, some staples, and enough chocolate to repair any crisis.

The checkout girl, tall and tan with a bouncy blond ponytail, smiled and asked if she was visiting town. Was Laguna so small that all the residents knew each other? What a concept.

Bemused, Sophie returned the smile and shared she’d just relocated from San Diego. When Blondie asked where she’d moved, Sophie’s gut tightened. Her ex wouldn’t come looking for her, certainly not at the grocery store.

She exhaled a steadying breath. “I rented a cute little cottage up the hill.”

Blondie’s eyes widened. “Oh, are you Nick’s new tenant?”

“Um, yeah. How’d you guess?” She pulled out her wallet, schooling her expression. How tiny was this town?

“He and his sister are locals, and they put the word out they were looking for a reliable renter. So you must be reliable. Welcome to Laguna Beach.” She stuck her hand across the register. “I’m Mallory, nice to meet you.”

“Sophie.” She could do this small-town gig.

“Are you single?”

Her mouth dropped open. Maybe she couldn’t. “Excuse me?”

Mallory winked. “You know, single? Not dating? Looking for love?”

“Um, yes single, but not looking for love. Why?”

“Isn’t Nick a hottie? You should totally go for it. Maybe you’ll be the one that sticks.” Mallory chattered as she bagged the groceries.

“The one that sticks?” What the what?

“Well, he’s been single forever, and every woman in town wants him. Nobody lasts more than a few months. You should see his office manager chase after him—pretty obvious if you ask me. Not that I’m gossiping or anything. He and his buddy Brandt are heartbreakers.”

Sophie’s gut tightened. “Definitely not me. Thanks for the heads-up about him being a player, though. Good to know.”

“Oh no, he’s a nice guy. That came out wrong. He just never stays with one woman for very long, that’s all.” Mallory shrugged a shoulder.

“Thanks, I’ve got to run. Nice to meet you.” She pasted on a smile.

Sophie hurried to her car, eager to return to her safe haven. She made it in record time and lugged the overflowing bags into the house. The moment she placed the last shiny apple into the refrigerator, her cell phone rang.

Warmth filled her when she recognized her best friend’s name on the screen. “Hey, what’s up?”

“I’m calling to see howyou’redoing. I didn’t hear from you last night and was worried,” Kelly said.

“It was basically the trip from hell, but I finally made it to paradise. You wouldn’t believe how peaceful the cottage is. I know I’ll be able to write here. At some point, anyway.” Niggling concerns over emptying half of her savings account and not having an actual income could be tossed into the vault for now.

“Oh, I’m so glad. Are you sure you won’t come home? I miss you already.”

Satisfaction filled her when she glanced around the cottage. It looked like hers now. Photos of her friends hanging out at the beach, one in front of the Eiffel Tower, and her favorite shot of the lighthouse in Kauai personalized the living room. A few novels waiting to be devoured lay on the coffee table, along with the latest issue ofHealthy Woman.

“I miss you too, but this is my new home. I slept without interruption for the first time I can remember. You know what an insomniac I’ve been. I’m more certain about this move than anything I’ve done in the last four years.”