“Is she a Lab?” She leaned down to scratch the dog’s floppy ears. The tail banged faster.

“Part Lab and part horse. They didn’t know when I adopted her at the shelter. All I know is she’s failed obedience school twice and doesn’t seem to be ashamed of it.”

Her shoulders softened. Anyone who rescued animals from the pound had to have at least a partially good heart. She’d rescued Zack from certain death when she found him as a half-starved kitten on the side of the road. He’d become her most loyal and loving companion. The only male she trusted these days.

“Let’s get you inside. I’ll bring you another set of keys later.” Nick unlocked the door, grabbed two of her suitcases, and proceeded inside.

“Great.” She stuffed her belongings into her purse and grabbed Zack’s carrier.

Gleaming hardwood floors greeted her when she followed him inside. A comfortable overstuffed couch and matching armchair accented by polished teak furniture gave the room a cozy feel. Windows graced every wall, the clear glass shining brightly with the echo of blue skies. Cream crown molding framed walls painted seafoam green. Two arched doorways led from the main room into what appeared to be the kitchen and the bedroom.

“Oh, the photos online didn’t do it justice. I love it. It’s like a dollhouse.” Sophie hummed with pleasure and continued to explore.

A huge four-poster bed with elegant posts soaring up to the high ceiling dominated the bedroom. She stroked her hand along the bed’s charming white-lace coverlet. Enormous open windows welcomed in the Southern California sunshine and the ocean breeze.

She continued through a lovely, marble-tiled bathroom into the office, where an old-fashioned rolltop desk faced the window. When she paused to admire the gorgeous view of the Pacific Ocean and clusters of vibrant bougainvillea, Nick’s clean, masculine scent reached her nostrils. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled.

Why was he right behind her? “Umm, I should let my cat out of the carrier.” She turned and hurried back to the living room.

“Zack, we’re home.” She unlocked the carrier door, and the cat slinked out, leaped onto the couch, and began washing his peach-colored fur.

Bailey bounded up to greet Zack and licked his face, soaking the cat’s head in one stroke. Zack tapped the dog on the nose and moved to higher ground.

Nick laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Your cat isn’t afraid of dogs?”

“Zack isn’t afraid of anything, it seems. Don’t worry about Bailey.”

He ruffled Bailey’s fur. “A lot of people are scared of her. She’s harmless, just too big for her own good.”

“Really? She seems like an adorable goof.” Sophie scanned the room again. “The cottage really is charming. Did your wife decorate?” Her gaze flicked down to his left hand. His third finger was bare.

“No wife. My sister just moved out and she’s an interior designer. We didn’t want it to sit empty.” He flashed another sexy grin.

He exuded confidence. Charm. Power. Her stomach flip-flopped.

Damn it, she’d sworn off men, if not forever, at least for the next year. No distractions from her brand-new life plan. No complications. Definitely no time for a hot landlord. Even more incentive for her to pretend sparks hadn’t ignited when he’d touched her.

She turned away from him––maybe if she averted her gaze these butterflies beating in her belly would relax. “You’ve got my paperwork and check, right? Is there anything else you need? I’d like to get unpacked.”

“Sure. Let me grab those other bags for you.” He turned and sauntered toward the door.

She huffed out a breath. “No, that’s fine. I can handle it.”

“It’s my pleasure. I insist,” he called over one broad shoulder.

Was she being unreasonable? What was wrong with him being helpful? She sighed and pressed one hand over her aching heart.

“Here you go. I’ll bring you the spare keys. Call if you need anything else.” With one last heated look, Nick left the cottage.

Who would’ve known the universe could be so perverse? She’d come to Laguna Beach to heal her broken heart, to write her novel, and to focus on herself, not to hook up with a guy, no matter how hot he was. And Nicholas Morgan was mouthwateringly hot.

From now on, she planned on holing up in the cottage and writing. And walking on the beach. Alone. She’d simply not answer the door when he returned with the keys. Avoidance was an effective coping technique, right?

She sank into the fluffy evergreen cushions of her new couch and soaked up the phenomenal view. Her own personal vista. When Zack leaped into her lap, she stroked his silky fur and the tension slowly evaporated from her limbs.

If she couldn’t heal her heart and start a new life in this quiet cottage, she couldn’t do it anywhere.
