One by one candles come on and the whole place is illuminated, I see that it’s the people from the office, Ryan, even Troy is here. They’re all holding a candle exh and they’re all smiling beautifully.

Tears spring to my eyes when I hear the intro to Lover by Taylor swift. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look back to see a beaming Luca.

“I didn’t know how to do this, to make this the most special moment for you, I hope it makes you happy tl see the people you love here.”

I can barely talk past the lump in my throat and so I just nod foolishly.

Then he gets in his knee.

“Evelyn Grey, the first day I saw you, walk into my office, I knew I would never see anyone more beautiful, more gracious, more alluring. And as I spent time with you, I realized it wasn’t just your beauty, it was your heart, your brain, your ability to make people smile and feel welcome, you understand me like no one ever, you make me happy, you make me so happy, when I never thought I ever could again. A man is lucky when he’s given a chance at love, but to be given two? It’s a privilege, you’re a privilege and I love you. Please make me the happiest, luckiest man in the world and say yes. Say yes to me, to us, to spending a lifetime together. To waking up with you every morning and going to bed with you every night , to growing old together. Marry me Evelyn.”

A tear slides down my cheek as I nod, very frantically. He smiles and slips the ring onto my finger and everyone erupts into claps. Lights come back on and I see that we’re standing in a rose petal circle. LJ walks up to me and hands me a very large bouquet of flowers. I laugh at how much he’s struggling to lift it.

“One for everyday you’ve been in my life” Luca says and I collect the flowers.

“I love you Luca, you make me happy, you make me complete and k can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

The party starts up immediately. There’s food and cake and wine and it’s all wonderful.

Ryan walks up to me and I throw myself into his arms.

“Congratulations baby” he said and i son into him a bit.

“Did you know this was happening?”

I ask and he nods.

“Of course, who do you think out it all together?” I laugh and we sway to the beat of the music.

“Are you happy?” Ryan asks me and I smile.

“More than I ever thought possible. My mom is going to freak when k show her this ring. It’s beautiful.”

Ryan takes my hand to study the ring. It’s a small cut diamond witb tiny emeralds surrounding. “ It really is, only the best for my best lady.”

“SpeKing of bests, Im you know you’re my best man right?” I say and he rolls his eye

“Like, who else would it be?”

Luca clears his throat and Ryan practically throws me to him.

I smile as my body comes flush against his.

“Hey Fiancé” I say and he smiles too.

“Hmm, has a nice ring to it.”

“I love my ring, I love this party and I love you.”

“I hope you still think so eighty years from now. He says and I kiss him gingerly.

“Hmm, we’ll check back then, Mr senator.” I say and he laughs

I lay my head on his chest and we continue to slow dance to the upbeat music.

This is perfect, I love mt life so much and God knows I haven’t done enough to deserve this. But I’m grateful everyday that it is mine. Even with all the drama and Stella’s and what not, I’d welcome them all if it means I get to have this man by my side.

I sighed and close my eyes already, seeing the beautiful future that lay ahead of us. It was perfect.