“Sorry we’re late.” Emilia didn’t sound the least bit apologetic. “We got held up in another meeting.”
“Not a problem, not a problem. Glad to have the chance to sit down with you and discuss business.”
We’d done our homework and had discovered his company was failing, even with the famous vibrator in stock. He’d basically run it into the ground, spending far above his means and indulging in a lavish lifestyle he couldn’t possibly sustain.
He also had about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars’ worth of stock alone, which had been incredibly stupid of him to buy up front, given his turnover for the last two years. He hadn’t even sold a third of that, although the endorsement for the vibrator had seen his income increase by three hundred percent for that one item alone since the article had run in the media.
After looking over all the data and talking it through over the course of several early morning meetings in our home office, Emilia and I had agreed on a figure we were both comfortable with.
Knowing he had approximately two thousand units of the vibrator in stock, which he sold online for a hundred bucks a piece, we were going to offer him seventy-five thousand for the company and all its stock. It was worth it for the vibrator alone.
Our personal assistant, Marian O’Donnell, had set up a meeting. Lloyd hadn’t been able to say yes fast enough, and I could tell by his posture—and the slightly wild expression on his face— that he wasn’t quite as relaxed about this meeting as he wished to portray.
He was nervous about being in our company, something we were used to. A lot of people found it intimidating to be in our presence, especially when the two of us were together. We used it to our advantage as much as possible.
Lloyd and I chatted for a few minutes about various mutual acquaintances to break the ice, Emilia choosing to stay mostly silent.
Finally, it was time to purchase our newest acquisition, and I began, “Speaking of business, let’s get down to it.”
Emilia and I had this down to a fine art. One of us would lead the meeting, and the other would go in for the kill at the appropriate moment. It was my turn to lead this time.
I looked Lloyd directly in the eye. “Emilia and I understand you’re looking to sell your business, and we’re interested. We’ve put together an offer we think is fair and equitable and would like to make the arrangements as soon as possible to get your stock into our distribution centers.”
My business partner opened her red leather folder, which contained a notepad and pen, and reached for the contract sitting on the top.
Lloyd held up his hands. “Whoa! Hold on a second here. Who told you I want to sell the entire business?”
Her hand hovered over the contract as I spoke. “Are you saying it’s not true?”
His eyes narrowed at us as he fidgeted in his seat. “I’m willing to discuss the possibility, but you should know it’s going to cost you a pretty penny.”
“And why is that?”
Emilia’s sharp question made him pause for a few moments. “My business is incredibly successful. Sales are flying out the door, thanks to Audrey Monroe’s endorsement. I won’t even consider an offer less than...”
He trailed off, drawing it out, and my gaze bored into him. I didn’t have time for the theatrics. “Just spit it out, Lloyd.”
Sitting back in his chair, he crossed one leg over his knee at the ankle and gave us a smarmy grin. “Two hundred thousand should do it.”
Years of experience meant neither of us reacted to his ridiculous figure, but it did mean Emilia reached for the second contract hidden underneath the first. Our offer had just dropped to forty thousand.
We always prepared two contracts for situations like this.
She took a deep breath, which meant she was ready to send this guy’s hopes up in smoke.
I sat back to watch the magic happen and fought to keep the smile off my face.
“Let’s cut the bullshit, Mr. Lloyd.” Her tone was crisp. “Your business is failing. You have one hundred and fifty thousand dollars’ worth of stock languishing in a derelict warehouse that you can’t sell. Before Audrey Monroe mentioned the vibrator in her interview six months ago, you were barely moving thirty units a month.”
I watched Lloyd carefully and delighted in seeing the blood drain from his face as his eyes widened and his mouth fell open.
Emilia continued on, “Unless a miracle occurs, you’ll have to close your online store within the next three months, even with the money the vibrator has brought in. You can’t afford to continue paying your creditors and the rent on the warehouse.”
She gave him a tight smile. “We’ve done our research, Mr. Lloyd, and we don’t appreciate being hoodwinked. Here’s our offer.” She slid the contract across the table. “We’re prepared to give you forty thousand dollars for your entire stock, including all two thousand units of the vibrator in question. Please read the contract with your attorney carefully, but know our offer only stands for forty-eight hours.”
He rubbed his jaw, glancing down at the paperwork, while Emilia and I exchanged brief grins. I loved seeing her take down men like Lloyd. She was a queen in the boardroom and I worshipped her.
“I-I-” he stuttered, lost for words. Then, shaking his head, he pulled a pen out of his jacket and signed on the dotted line before pushing the contract back over to Emilia.