Page 43 of Fire and Ice

That wasn't exactly a confirmation or denial, Jack thought.

"Why not?"

Maia set the bottle down on the table and stared off into the ocean. And then almost in a moment of clarity, as if she was sober, she said, "It's a weakness. They will know." Then she leaned back, closed her eyes and was out.

Jack understood. Shit, he understood what she meant.


It felt like one hundred little men were hammering in her head. Such was what the morning after too much tequila felt like. Maia was slouched over the kitchen counter with sunglasses on, a huge mug of coffee in hand.

She had woken up alone in bed this morning. She was in Jack's room, but she couldn't recall getting there last night. As usual, Jack had taken the liberty of dressing her up in pajamas and a camisole. She was thankful she wasn't naked. It also looked like he had been gentleman enough not to have sex with her while she was passed out.

He had left a note by the bed: "Babe, went for a run. J."

Maia groaned into her cup. All she could remember talking to Jack about was Viktor, Brett and the Navy SEALs. She enjoyed staring at the ocean immensely, tossing back tequila—she felt free, much like whenever she took her twice yearly beach vacations. The beach and Lee. Damn: why did it feel like she had talked about Lee?

"Are you sure you don't want any Advil, sweetie?" Grace asked kindly. She was moving around the kitchen quietly, although, to Maia's hungover head, not quietly enough.

"I'll be okay this afternoon," she winced. Even talking hurt. "Just need to suffer through this so I don't do it again."

"I can't believe Jack let you drink so much," Grace clucked in a disapproving tone. Just then the door opened and the man himself walked in.

He was dressed in a black tee, running shorts and running shoes. His normally swarthy bronze color was a tad ruddy from his run.

Maia grimaced when the door swung shut.

"Jesus," she groaned. "Quit slamming doors, will you?"

"Someone woke up a bear this morning," Jack drawled as he strode into the kitchen. "Thought you can handle tequila."

"Not when you pour me the entire bottle, you ass!" Maia winced again at the sound of her own voice. She was shutting up now.

"Do you want any breakfast, Jack?" Grace asked.

"No. I'm hitting the gym downstairs. Wanna join me Maia?" Jack asked.

"Leave me alone for the next century," Maia whispered, took a swig of coffee and buried her head on her crossed arms on the kitchen counter.

Jack chuckled and kissed her bent head, "Later, babe."

He disappeared into the study and Grace said, "Never seen him so sweet. He really likes you, Maia."

"Grace," she raised her head from her elbows. "Not another word."

"If you say so sweetie," Grace said indulgently. "I'm going to tidy up the rooms if you don't need me."

Maia didn't say anything, and merely raised her arm to wave her off. Maybe she should lie back on the couch and just sleep it off.

The phone rang. Grace had forgotten to take the wireless with her.


Answering the phone immediately so the blasted thing would stop ringing, "Hello?"

A high-pitched female voice snapped, "Who is this?"

"Um, you're the one who called," Maia replied.