"When will I actually get to see you?"
"Erik will be in charge of logistics and everything else. You will be brought directly to me and we will start our journey across Russia. By the time you arrive you should already know our route."
"Sounds like a plan," Maia said, starting to actually get excited. At least it wouldn't involve communicating through a comm van the whole time. That could be tedious. There was an AGS satellite office in New Park which she could use to videoconference with this Erik Costa guy.
"Thanks again, Agent Pierce. I will see you in January."
Jack sat on the couch with a glass of whiskey in hand. He was waiting for Maia to return. They had been so happy the past week. They had done things normal couples did: they went on dates, went to movies, made love, walked in the park. And with the holidays a few weeks away, the energy of the festivities added glow to their time together.
He knew when he returned her phone that her other life was going to catch up with them. It just had.
The elevators swooshed open and closed. Maia's quiet footfalls padded to the closet where she divested herself of her coat and sneakers.
Without a word, she walked up to where he was seated on the couch and got on his lap, like she always did lately, and snuggled close to him.
Jack's heart twitched whenever she did that.
"All done?" he asked.
She nodded.
"Want some whiskey?"
"I'll just take a sip of yours."
They sat like that for a moment just savoring each other's scents and warmth.
"Is it something you can talk about?" Jack asked finally.
"What's the risk factor?" Jack asked. "Could you at least tell me that?"
"What good will that do. It'll just make you worry," Maia replied.
"If it wasn't risky, you would have told me already," Jack sighed. "Judging from the set of your jaw, it's bad. Just be careful, Maia."
"You know, I really didn't want to take the job," Maia admitted. "Because of you. You've changed the way I work, Jack. I don't know if that's good or bad."
Jack was overjoyed that Maia was beginning to factor him into her work decisions. He was slowly getting through to her. What he didn't want was to be a distraction; that could have fatal consequences.
"I hope it's for the best," Jack said quietly. Maia tipped her face up and gave him a kiss. He would have turned it into a full blown make-out session if her blasted phone hadn't started ringing.
Maia tore her lips away to answer the call.
"Pierce... Who?... Wow, you're quick."
To Jack's annoyance, Maia got off his lap and padded to the window.
"We can set up a weekly meeting to touch base. Yes. Give me your email, Erik, I'll send you the videoconference invitation... Should I take care of the passport or you?... I don't think I'll look good as blonde, I'll use a wig, I've done that before... Uh-huh... Listen, let's just talk about this tomorrow... Yes, that time works. Right."
Maia ended the call and then punched a speed dial number.
"We're on. My new contact is Erik Costa... I need to use the satellite office tomorrow ... Sounds good."
Maia breathed out forcefully and sat beside Jack as she took a sip of the whiskey.