"Don't you dare flirt with Maia, Tony. She's Jack's girl."
Tony's eyes swept over Maia with a hint of disappointment, but it was quickly replaced by a determined glint.
"Maia, I'm Tony. First time Jack's brought someone to these gatherings," he murmured thoughtfully.
"So, how do you know the McCord's?" Maia asked in cordial conversation. She did not like the way this man was undressing her with his eyes. Obviously, the fact that she was Jack's girlfriend meant nothing to him.
"I'm a friend of Anna, Jack's sister," Tony said. "Which reminds me, where is Steph?"
"She had a bit too much to drink," Nat replied as she scrunched her nose in disapproval. "Derek Lockwood had taken her for some water."
Just then, Jack came back. He eyed Tony unhappily. "Maia, you ready to grab some dessert?"
Maia controlled her urge to jump up quickly and join her man, relief probably written all over her face. It felt weird getting sandwiched between Aunt Nat and Tony; she was not ready to be interrogated about her relationship with Jack.
They made their way to the living room where an assortment of desserts was on display.
"Where the hell is Derek?" Jack asked in annoyance.
"Steph was causing some trouble. Derek intervened and whisked her away."
Jack frowned. "Like what?"
"Like how you and Derek like to pass your women around."
"That f..., you know that's not true, right?"
"Of course not. I know Derek. And I know how possessive you are," Maia said.
"What else did she say?"
Maia shrugged, but Jack gave her a little shake. "Tell me."
"She mentioned Claire. It's not important," Maia said. Her eyes softened as she reached for Jack's hand. "I know how much you loved her. It's not as if Steph told me anything new."
"Babe, Claire is the past. I loved her, she died, took me twelve years to get over her, but I've finally moved on. With you," Jack said as he looked intently into her eyes. "Promise me one thing, Maia. Whatever you hear that makes you question what we have, no matter who says it, whether it's my mom, Aunt Nat or Stephanie. Tell me, OK? I don't want any stupid misunderstanding between us."
"Okay, Jack."
Maia turned her attention to the dessert table. Jack lingered behind her and wrapped his arms around her while planting a very wet open-mouth kiss on her neck. Maia's lips curved into a smile as she started filling a plate with sweet treats.
"Want some cream puffs?" Maia asked as she offered a mini-pastry to Jack, who had rested his chin on her shoulder. He took the cream puff deliberately, making sure to caress her fingers with his lips as he swallowed the sweet treat. Just like that, her knees went weak.
"Do you want to take the desserts back to the cottage?" Jack suggested wickedly.
"Jack, it's four o'clock in the afternoon," Maia laughed softly.
"So?" He leaned forward and slipped his hand under her dress, edging it up. Maia's eyes widened as she quickly balanced the plate on one hand and stilled Jack's marauding fingers.
"Someone's going to see us!"
"You want it here or back in the cottage?" Jack asked thickly. "I can't wait to bury myself inside you."
Oh my God, Maia thought. His words were making her so hot. She felt like just hopping on the table, spreading her thighs and having him slam inside her.
Since she was on the verge of capitulating, Jack grinned and led Maia out the house, through the portico and into the gardener's cottage.