Of course they had to talk about the elephant in the room: her relationship with Jack McCord.
"So you and Jack, huh?" Mike said curiously. Though he tried to keep it out of his voice, Maia noted the hint of bitterness.
"Yes, me and Jack," she replied a bit too goofily.
"Is it serious?"
"He says it is."
"Are you serious?"
"I think I am."
Mike snorted. "We were serious too. I guess the question is, will you leave your work to be with Jack? Because that will come up, honey. I don't think any man who is serious with you will let you put your life in constant jeopardy."
"Well, that hasn't come up yet."
"Well, hypothetically, will you?"
"Of course not."
Mike shook his head and said in disgust, "That asshole was right."
"No,Viktor. He said he'd always win."
"He said that to you?"
Mike nodded, his jaw clenching. "He said that if you were forced to choose between me and him, you'd always choose him."
"I'm sorry, Mike," Maia whispered.
"By the way, it's Sunday, where is Jack?"
I'm wondering the same thing, Maia thought as her feeling of abandonment returned.
"He said he had a lot of work to catch up with before the Thanksgiving Holiday."
Mike's eyes flared angrily. "You got hurt badly just a week ago and he left you alone on a Sunday? I presume since he's at work today you haven't seen him all week."
"Mike, Jack spent a lot of time with me the past two weeks and then I got hurt. He was supposed to be back at work but he took the time to check me out of the hospital and bring me to New Park. He had a lot of catching up to do."
Hearing her own words in defense of Jack made Maia feel better. She had taken up a lot of his time. But then Mike's next words cut into her.
"I don't know, honey," Mike said gravely. "I was hoping with a special woman like you, Jack McCord had mended his ways. He's always been known as a player. A new girl on his arm every few months though this last one before you lasted longer than others. You've got a soft spot in you Maia. I've never been able to get close to it but I know it's there. I don't want to see you get hurt."
And with that thought echoing on her mind, Maia walked through the doors of the apartment building to be met by expressions of relief from the doorman and the concierge.
"Miss Pierce, thank God," the concierge said. "Mr. McCord is frantic wondering where you were. He searched for you for a couple of blocks and is now back upstairs."
"Jack is back?" Maia asked in surprise. She thought she was going to have to spend another evening alone.
"Over an hour ago."
Knowing Jack's temper, Maia wasn't surprised when he was waiting for her by the elevator doors when she reached his floor. Obviously the concierge let him know that she was on her way up.
"Where have you been?" Jack thundered, his face a mixture of fury and relief.