Bending down and giving a sleeping Maia a light kiss, Jack made his way to the hospital cafeteria. Derek had texted him that he and Viktor had just returned from the DEA offices and were grabbing something to eat. Jack didn't know why they wanted to eat hospital food but he guessed they were eager to get back quickly.
When he slid into a chair beside the two men, Derek paused in mid-bite and said, "You look like a happy man."
"She woke up and finally remembered me," Jack said and then looked at Viktor. "She asked for you."
Viktor looked pleased and Jack felt an odd sense of jealousy. He shook this off as Derek quipped, "I wonder if she remembers me yet."
"I'm just glad they didn't have to drill a hole in her head to relieve the subdural hematoma," Jack said. "I don't think I could live through the last 24 hours, not to mention the last 48 hours again."
"Jack, my advice to you is to get used to it," Viktor said. "As you can tell by now, Maia is fearless. She has absolutely no problem taking big risks to get the job done."
Jack glowered at Viktor while Derek laughed and said, "You're one to talk, Viktor. How many times have I heard you say,God damn it Maia."
Viktor chuckled, but Jack was not amused.
"I'm gonna have a serious conversation with her about these stupid risks she takes once she gets better." He got up as he regarded the two men. "I'm going back to her room, see you guys in a bit."
Viktor followed Jack's imposing figure stride out the cafeteria. "I think our dear Maia is going to have her hands full taming that one."
Derek snickered. "Oh I don't know, the odds are evenly stacked. We should start a betting pool."
"You are fortunate that the swelling in your brain is receding and the clot was small enough so we did not have to relieve the pressure by drilling a hole through your skull," Doctor Anderson explained. "You should expect some dizziness, nausea, blurred vision and memory problems. But these should go away as the swelling disappears. I expect you to take it easy young lady." The doctor looked at Maia sternly. "From your medical records it looks like you were in a boating accident a week ago. I have no idea what you do for a living and I probably don't want to know, but if you continue at this rate, another bump on the head and you may not survive the year."
Jack, who was holding Maia's hand as the doctor lectured her on her lifestyle, said, "Don't worry doc, I'll make sure she treats herself like crystal for the next few weeks." He gave Viktor a pointed look. "Preferably until the end of the year."
Viktor snorted. "Good luck with that."
"It would help if you quit dragging her into the line of fire," Jack replied acidly.
Viktor raised an eyebrow. "She's got a pretty high threshold for pain. She can hack it."
Doctor Anderson quickly weighed in. "Regardless of Miss Pierce's pain threshold, a brain injury of this gravity should not be taken lightly. I recommend at least three weeks of rest." Looking at Maia, he continued, "I'm keeping you for another 48 hours to monitor that blood clot in your brain. I'll see you for a follow-up a week from then." He turned his attention to Jack. "If she experiences any blackout within that time, take her to the ER immediately, understood?"
"Yes, doctor," Maia said grudgingly while Jack nodded.
Doctor Anderson inclined his head and excused himself from the room.
"So, Maia, tell me what happened after Reznikov abducted you?" Viktor asked without preamble.
Jack detonated and stormed over to Viktor and got in his face. "Fuck off! She has a fucking head injury, you prick!"
"Guys ..." Derek started tentatively.
"Viktor, stop baiting Jack," Maia said wearily, rubbing her forehead.
Viktor smirked at a fuming Jack and walked over to Maia, kissing her on the forehead, "OK, Katerina."
Jack noticed the slip but did not say anything. He then realized Viktor Baran did not make slips: he had said Maia's real name deliberately, either to irritate him by reminding him of their history or to figure out if Jack knew about Katerina Luski.
Probably both, as Viktor raised a brow as if saying:I've found out all I need to know.
Prick. Jack thought.
"I do have one question though," Viktor said to Maia.