Page 20 of Fire and Ice


"Later, baby. Tomorrow, same time?"


Jeez, Viktor can be annoying.

Maia resumed piecing together the information on Reznikov on the AGS system when Grace spoke through the intercom: "Maia, honey, Jack's assistant is here for you."


Maia gaped at the mind-boggling quantity of shopping bags, boxes and dress bags that littered the living room. They were also spectacularly expensive labels.

"What is this?" she asked Grace, but the housekeeper just shrugged her elegant shoulders.

"What is this?" Maia repeated, this time glaring at the petite, buxom woman dressed smartly in a designer pant suit.

"Good afternoon, Miss Pierce. I'm Laurie Stone, one of Jack's personal assistants." She smiled, stepping forward.

"He has more than one?" Maia said to no one in particular.

"Mr. McCord informed me that you were in need of several pieces of clothing."

"These are more than several pieces, and how the heck did he know my size? Did he ask you, Grace?" Maia demanded, almost accusingly.

"If you're asking if he ordered me to go through your things, then no," Grace replied, her lips twitching as if to control a smile.

"Jack has a talent for guessing women's sizes," Laurie said with tinkling laughter.

Maia pulled out a black bustier from one of the bags. It was cut very low in the back, had delicate boning and was intricately woven in expensive lace and silk. "I bet he does." Yes, he had guessed the correct cup size. Impressive.

Both women started laughing.

"I don't need all these clothes. He should have consulted me first. Do you have the total bill Laurie? I can make a bank transfer," Maia said.

The other two women exchanged glances, wearing identical frowns.

"Jack's taken care of it," Laurie said carefully.

"I know, and I do appreciate how he's gone above and beyond, but I hate owing people money and would like to settle the bill as soon as possible."

"No. Jack took care of it. This is all on his account—a gift if you will," Laurie explained further.

If smoke could rise out of Maia's ears, the entire house would be choking.

"Oh no, he didn't," Maia whispered, almost to herself. She could almost feel a ball and chain shackling her, but reminded herself that Jack was not that type.

"He does it for most of his arrangements."

"I'm not one of his fucking arrangements!" Maia snapped but apologized when she realized Grace had flinched at her curse.

"Give me the bill," she told Laurie in a no-nonsense tone.

"You'll get me fired."

"Oh, for God's sakes he won't fire you!"

"No, but he'll be very displeased with me. It's going to reflect in my year-end review."