My heart flip-floppedin my chest with excitement. Did she find something else my grandmother had hidden in the house?

Grinning to myself, I fired off a quick reply.

Me: Be there shortly!

Since I didn’t haveany toiletries other than a small floss container in my purse, I hurried into Jensen’s bathroom and ran my fingers through my hair to get out all the knots. It still looked like a rat’s nest when I finished.

Jensen was in the kitchen making breakfast, his was shirtless, and had on a pair of gray sweatpants that hung low on his hips. He glanced at me over his shoulder and smiled.

“The bacon is done, and I’m almost finished with the eggs.”

There were two empty plates on the kitchen table and in the center of the table was a plate filled with bacon and another stacked high with pancakes. He even had two glasses of orange juice already poured.

I stared at it all in awe, my mouth gaping. “This is perfect.”

Jensen smirked and turned back to the stove. “I know it’s early, but I figured you’d want to get back home to spend some time with Nyla.”

He walked over to the table with the pan of scrambled eggs and spooned some into our plates. I sat down and grabbed a few pieces of bacon and two pancakes, soaking the pancakes in syrup.

Jensen chuckled and shook his head when he noticed my drenched plate. “Do you want some pancakes to go with your syrup?”

Rolling my eyes, I smiled and dug into my food. “What can I say? I love it. It’s been a long time since I’ve had pancakes. Usually, I grab a protein bar and eat it on my way to work.”

Jensen’s smile faded. “Breakfast was always your favorite meal.”

“I know,” I replied sadly. “It’s been nice being back here and finding joy in the things I used to love.”

And still love,I wanted to say, but I kept that to myself.

“What are yours and Nyla’s plans for the day?” he asked, stuffing a bite of eggs into his mouth. I didn’t want to leave so early, but I was dying to see what she had found.

“I’m not sure, but she texted me and said she found something at the house. I assume it’s another hidden gem my grandmother had stashed somewhere.”

Jensen chuckled. “Rachel was a sneaky woman. This doesn’t surprise me one bit.”

“Me either,” I agreed. “Honestly, I find it fascinating. It’s like a treasure hunt, only there’s mystery with a bit of intrigue involved.”

His smile widened and he gave me a flirtatious wink. “Maybe tonight you can tell me all about what you found?”

Electric excitement surged through my body at his invitation, and I cocked my head to the side with a smirk.

“Is that your way of saying you want to see me again?”

“Maybe,” he replied, brightening even further. “Is that okay?”

My heart swelled and I smiled softly back at him. “Yes. I’m sure we can figure out something to do.”

After we finished breakfast, I grabbed my purse and Jensen walked me to my car. He took both of my hands and stepped closer, his breath tickling my skin. I could smell the sweet scent of maple syrup on his lips.

I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “What areyougoing to do today?”

The corners of his mouth tugged up in a slow, teasing smile. “I was thinking of seeing Seth and Trisha at the hospital. There’s something I want to talk to him about.”

My brow furrowed as I tried to decipher the twinkle in his eye. “And what would that be?” I asked.

He chuckled softly and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. “I might tell you later,” he whispered against them before pulling away. “Right now, your friend is waiting for you. I’ll see you later.”

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and opened my car door. As I drove down the street, my heart beat faster and my foot grew heavier on the gas pedal. I was ready to see what Nyla had found.