I hoped I’d see him today. With Nyla coming in later this morning, I wasn’t going to the clinic, and instead was staying at the house and getting it ready for her. I’d moved my clothes out of my bedroom and into my grandmother’s room. It was going to be strange sleeping in her bed, but I felt comfort in having her things surrounding me. I kept wondering what secrets still lay hidden inside. Unfortunately, I hadn’t had much time to search through her room with working at the clinic, but Iwasable to check all the floorboards, only to discover there was nothing else hidden underneath.
My phone beeped and I grabbed it off the bed to see a text from my mother.
Mom: Have you spoken to Georgia yet?
With being so busy, I’d totally forgotten to seek her out. I jerked my head toward my grandmother’s alarm clock, and it was eighty-thirty. Georgia was an early riser, so I knew she’d be awake. I texted my mom back.
Me: Going to ride by her house now.
Jensen usually came over aroundnine o’clock, and I wanted to be back so I could see him. So, hurrying out of the bedroom, I grabbed my keys and got in my car. Georgia lived down Beach Drive, so it only took three minutes to get to her house.
When I arrived, she was locking up her door. I rolled my window down and hollered out to her. “Good morning, Georgia!”
She turned around and waved while slowly making her way down the stairs. “Hey, Everleigh. What are you doing here?” she asked with a bright smile that was framed by her short white hair. Her tanned skin seemed even darker in the early summer sunlight, making me suspect she spent most of her days outdoors.
“I came to see you,” I told her. “Where you off to?”
She pointed toward the road. “I was going to walk to the antique store. I like looking at all the trinkets.”
I beckoned her inside my car. “No need to walk. I’ll take you.”
Georgia beamed. “That’s so sweet of you. I promise I won’t be long in there.”
I laughed. “I’m not worried about it. Get in.”
The woman was eighty-five years old and still walking all across town. My grandmother used to be her sidekick. It broke my heart thinking of her walking by herself now. When Georgia got in, we headed on our way.
“How have you been?” I asked.
She shrugged. “As good as can be expected. I miss my partner in crime.”
A burn settled behind my eyes. “I know how you feel.”
She looked over at me. “What about you? You doing okay?”
“I am,” I answered honestly. “I worked at the clinic for a couple of days and my best friend from Boston is set to arrive in a couple of hours.”
Georgia smiled, her eyes twinkling. “And Jensen? How are things with him?”
A laugh escaped my lips. “Not bad. We’re on speaking terms, at least. I’m hoping to see him today.”
Georgia’s grin widened. “Your grandmother always wanted you two together.”
Yes, she did. I still didn’t know what was going to happen between us, but after seeing all the work he’d done at the house, I couldn’t push him away any longer. Truthfully, I was afraid of getting hurt, but the thought of leaving with things being resolved hurt even more. It was time I made a move; I was tired of being miserable.
“Speaking of my grandmother,” I began, “do you know anything about her past relationships?”
Georgia’s brows furrowed. “You mean with men?”
I nodded. “Did she ever talk to you about a guy she met before my grandfather came along?”
Georgia pursed her lips, and a look of concentration passed across her face. “The only man she ever talked of was Arthur, your grandfather.”
I could see why my grandmother might not have wanted me or my mother to know of her past love, but why would she keep it from her best friend?
“Why are you asking about that?” Georgia asked.
Shaking my head, I focused back on the road. “No reason. I was just curious.”