My mom turned on her heel and disappeared around the corner, and I listened to her walk down the stairs. After a few minutes, I finished my lunch and stood. “All right, Everleigh, I’m leaving!” I shouted. “My parents need help over at their house.”

Everleigh’s laugh echoed through the walls. “Excuses! Excuses! I knew you wouldn’t last.”

It felt good to banter with her again, but I wanted more than that. I wanted to be close to her, to have her in my life again the way we used to be.

“This isn’t over!” I called out.

There was no response, but I knew she’d heard me.



“This isn’t over!” Jensen shouted.

Chills of excitement ran through my body at the sound of his words. Last night made me realize how much I wanted Jensen back in my life. The problem was that I didn’t know what to do. I had less than two months now to spend in Oak Island before I needed to return to Boston. The problem was that I still had no clue what to do with my grandmother’s house. Adding Jensen into the mix only confused me more.

I slowly exhaled the deep breath I was holding and listened to everything around me. Jensen still hadn’t left yet because I could hear him moving around the deck. I’d spent all morning in my grandmother’s room, going through her closet, hoping it would get my mind off him. However, one thing that did make me happy was being able to find joy in being surrounded by my grandmother’s things. Since the first time I entered, it’s gotten easier being in there. The smell of her room was comforting, and I felt as if she was right there with me; I even found myself talking to her. It was moments like which told me it would be hard to sell the house. The house was my connection to her.

The thump of Jensen’s retreating steps made my heart stop. I rushed out of the closet and over to the window to see if I could see him, but I couldn’t. The last thing I wanted was for him to trick me into thinking he was leaving when he wasn’t.

I hurried across my grandmother’s room as quietly and quickly as possible, only to snag my toe on one of the wooden floorboards and trip. The pain shot up my leg, and I hissed as I slammed against the floor.

“Son of a—”

The thud of my body hitting the floor echoed through the house, and I held my breath to make sure I didn’t hear Jensen coming back. When I didn’t, I got to my feet and hobbled into the living room to peek out the windows overlooking the driveway. Jensen was already at his parents’ house and walking through the door.

Relief washed through me, but there was still a stinging pain throbbing in my toe. I glanced down and there was blood around my nail from where my skin ripped. I had no clue what I’d even tripped over.

After grabbing a wet paper towel from the kitchen, I wiped off my toe and returned to my grandmother’s room. However, when I stopped at the door, I noticed one of the floorboards had lifted on one of the corners; my toe must’ve hit it.

I trudged over and slowly bent down to see if I could slide the wooden board back into place. When I tried to push it down, it wouldn’t move. So, instead, I pulled it away and froze when I caught a glimpse of something hiding underneath the floor. I couldn’t see clearly what it was, so I grabbed my cell off the bed and turned on the flashlight. I was scared of what I’d find. In the movies, something terrifying was always lurking in the darkened corners. Luckily, that wasn’t the case this time.

My light shined on a dust-covered light blue box with flowers carved into the wood. There was no room to get it out, so I pried away two more floorboards. Once that was done, I reached in and grabbed the box, swiping away all the dust. It didn’t look as if anyone had touched it in many years. The box was heavy, and things shuffled around inside when I shook it. I was curious to see what was in it, and when I went to open it, I found that it was locked.

The box was handmade and beautifully so. The keyhole was something you’d see on an antique door in a castle; it was very magical and medieval looking.

A gasp escaped my lips as a memory from my past rushed to the surface. There was a time, many years before, when I’d seen a key that would fit the lock. I was in this very room, snooping through my grandmother’s jewelry box. And inside, underneath her necklaces and bracelets was a small, golden key. But, of course, I never asked what it was for.

Heart racing, I looked over at the dresser where my grandmother’s white porcelain jewelry box sat. It was one of the things I had yet to look at since she passed away. Holding the light blue box in my arms, I stood and set it on the bed so I could open the jewelry box. The second I opened it, the music started to play the “Rippling Waves Waltz.” My grandmother used to let it play while she got dressed, and I would always be out in the hallway dancing to it.

Carefully, I sifted through my grandmother’s necklaces until I found the key. It had tarnished over the years but was just the right size to unlock the box. In a way, it felt wrong to open something that was a secret my grandmother so obviously wanted to keep hidden. But my curiosity was going to get the best of me; Ihadto know what was in it.

With the key in my hand, I sat on the bed and brought the box to my lap. I slid the key in and was both relieved and intrigued when it went smoothly. When I turned it, I could hear the latch release the lid and it popped open just a little. My fingers trembled with excitement as I pushed it open the rest of the way, revealing the contents inside.

There were letters . . . tons of them, all discolored with age.

I grabbed one and gently opened it, afraid the paper would rip. The cursive handwriting inside was graceful and neat, something you didn’t see much of these days. It was a love letter to my grandmother.

My dearest Rachel,

My love for you continues to grow with each passing day. You have captivated my heart and my soul since the day I first laid eyes on you. I can feel your presence with me even when you are miles away. Everywhere I go, I see your beauty in the vast ocean and the rolling waves.

I am so thankful for the moments we have shared together and the memories that will stay with me for an eternity. You have been an incredible light in my life, my love! Your laughter calms me and your bright eyes bring a peace I cannot find anywhere else.

I know that my travels take me away from you often, but I want you to know that you will always be in my heart and my thoughts. The bond we share is something I will never take for granted.

Yours always,