That she was.

Everleigh handed me a plate from the basket, and I loaded it up with the pasta salad once she’d gotten her food. We ate in silence for a few moments, both of us lost in thought as we looked out to the deep blue expanse of the sea. The seagulls called out and the waves lapped gently against the shoreline. The tension between us was palpable—nearly electric—but it was a good feeling. We’d grown accustomed to picking on each other playfully, but now that playful banter was replaced with something deeper.

Everleigh turned her attention away from the ocean and studied my face intently. “Have you ever considered doing anything with your Ocean Science degree?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I swallowed the last bit of my ham sandwich and laughed softly. “Believe it or not, no one has actually asked me that before. People assume my family’s boat chartering business is my life purpose.” I pushed a hand through my hair and stared back at the water momentarily before continuing. “In reality, I use what I learned from college every time I’m out there. It helps me understand the sea better than most people would,” I said, turning to meet her gaze again. “Some people might think all the money my family spent on college was pointless, but I don’t regret it for a second. If McLean Charters goes under, I’ll always have something to fall back on.” My lips spread into a genuine, easy smile. “I could always get a job at one of the aquariums.”

Everleigh clutched at her chest, her eyes gleaming with admiration. “Ah, I’d be so jealous. That would be such a fun job.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “Are you saying my current job isn’t fun?”

She rolled her eyes in mock exasperation, her gaze intent on mine. “No, of course not. I just know that what you do is tough work and takes a lot of effort to do well.” Then, reaching over, she gripped my bicep affectionately, her touch gentle yet determined. “You have the muscles to prove it, too,” she added playfully, referring to the tautness of my arm from hours spent reeling in fish each day.

I winked at her in response before taking another bite of my pasta salad. “Working at McLean Charters has its perks, but I’m finally taking a break from taking on so many jobs this summer. It feels like everyone else is taking some time off, too.”

Everleigh nodded in agreement, her grin widening as she spoke. “I know, right? I’m still shocked Nyla has taken off so much time from work and that the hospital let her.”

Taking the last spoonful of pasta salad, I set my plate down on the blanket beside us before looking up at her carefully.

“And she’ll be staying with you for the entire time?” I asked cautiously, trying not to sound disappointed and failing miserably if the mischievous glint in Everleigh’s eye was anything to go by.

She tried to hide her smile but couldn’t help herself as she replied teasingly, “Are you worried that you won’t see me?”

Shrugging nonchalantly, yet completely serious in my intent, I stared back into her emerald eyes. “Can you blame me?”

“You have nothing to worry about,” she said, a broad smile on her face. “Nyla made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t want to be ‘up my butt twenty-four seven’. Those were her exact words.”

A wave of relief surged through me, and I smiled in response. “Good to know.”

She opened the plastic container of chocolate chip cookies and offered them to me. I took two, and Everleigh did the same. “Were you being serious when you said you wouldn’t sell Hide Away by the Sea to me?”

She raised her eyebrows at me and grunted before shoving a cookie into her mouth, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “At the time, yes,” she finally spoke around a mouthful. “You really pissed me off. But if I decide to sell, you’ll be first in line.”

The decision was still up in the air, so I couldn’t tell yet whether this was good news or not. After finishing my cookies, I reached for a third one. Everleigh followed suit and we both laughed.

“After all these cookies, do you still want ice cream?”

She clutched her stomach as she swallowed her last bite. “No way,” she groaned. “I think we need to walk around downtown a few times to burn off all these calories.”

Once we were completely done eating, we quickly packed up the picnic basket and I carried it back to my Bronco. We slowly strolled down the busy downtown Southport streets, side by side. With it being summer, the area was alive with tourists; their laughter echoing off the brick buildings as they enjoyed their time in town. I couldn’t imagine Boston having the same charm.

Lost in thought, I didn’t notice Everleigh had stopped walking and was staring at me. “What are you thinking about?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

As if on cue, a family walked past us with two young boys holding their melting ice cream cones tight in their little hands.

“Why do you stay in Boston? You could have gone anywhere after med school. Do you just like it up there?” I asked as we resumed our slow gait.

Growing up here on the Carolina coast, I couldn’t fathom living away from home. Everleigh had this place in her blood. Even if I didn’t have an ulterior motive, I knew she belonged here.

Everleigh released a heavy sigh but kept her attention straight ahead. “I do like Boston, but I’m not going to lie, it’s nothing like home.”

“If you were offered a job close by, would you take it?” My stomach clenched as I waited for her to answer.

She stopped mid-step and faced me, her expression sad. “A month ago, I would’ve said no. But after being here these past couple of weeks, I’ve realized how much I miss home.”

“So, your answer is yes?” I asked.

She smiled. “Yes, I would accept a job around here if one was available.” Her smile faded. “But that’s the problem. Most of the jobs are in big cities. The closest large hospital around here is in Wilmington. They haven’t had a position for someone like me in a long time.”