Page 24 of Fatal Vow

“They smell fucking amazing.” I walk over and go to grab a wedge off the pan, but Natalia swats my hand away.

“On second thought, grab us some plates,” she instructs, and I grumble. Natalia whips around from the stove to face me, holding the spatula toward my face. “Don’t offer to help if you’re going to complain when I give you something to do. You’re lucky I’m even making you anything right now. Don’t think I’m not still pissed at you, Declan.”

I don’t even bother to mask the surprise that crosses my face as she scolds me for my behavior. Without saying a word, I turn to the cabinet that holds the plates and grab two. I know better than to fight with a pissed off woman.

Once we have the food on our plates, we go over to the table and sit down. After a few moments of stolen glances and eating in silence, I take a sip of whiskey and clear my throat.. “So, how have you been?”

“I’m doing well,” she says, giving me her best attempt at an encouraging smile.

“Nat, you know you don’t have to do that bullshit with me.” I reach over and squeeze her hand before going back to eating.

“It’s just been a long… day,” she looks down at her food. “Okay, it’s been a long four years, Declan.” Her admission is no surprise to me, but the fact that she actually admitted it, is amazing.

“I know it has, honey.” I place my food down on the plate, giving her my undivided attention.

“I thought it was supposed to get easier?” She asks, looking back up at me with tears shimmering in her eyes.

I don’t have an answer for her, so I reach over and grab her hand, pulling her into my lap. Her small frame fits perfectly with mine. I wrap my arms around her as she buries her face into my shoulder, letting out a shaky breath.

For the first year, she broke down almost every time we came to the safe house. But over the course of the next two years, she had less frequent breakdowns. This was her first in a while. I think getting abducted last week must have shaken her back up, which is understandable. After a few moments, she sits up and dries her tears with a napkin.

“Thank you,” she whispers before going to climb off my lap. I tighten my grip on her momentarily, holding her close to me as I take in the scent of her warm vanilla sugar shampoo. Last week may have shaken her up, but it has made me absolutely terrified of facing the world without her. If I could, I would lock her in a tower.

I also know she would find a way out and murder me before leaving my body to rot in said tower.

Finally, I let her go and she takes her seat again. We go back to eating in silence, neither of us having anything to say. Once we finish dinner, I wash the dishes and Natalia goes to pick out a movie. After putting the dishes away, I head over to the couch and flop down beside her. She glances over at me, glaring again.

“If you don’t stop with the glaring Natalia…” I exhale. “Just spit it out. What’s going on in your head?”

“I’m only worth a million dollars?” She asks as she turns her body to face me, placing one hand on her hip.

“He talked to you after taking the money?” I raise my eyebrow. “Well, Finn will have to take care of that.”

“What do you mean?” She crosses her arms, clearly upset.

“Part of the deal when they take the money, is that they have no further contact with you.” I shrug as if that’s just a normal occurrence, because for the last four years, it has been.

“Declan. You’re an asshole,” she goes to stand, but I pull her back down by her hand.

“I don’t give a damn what you think, Natalia. That dumbass didn’t even attempt to hide his excitement over the money,” I say, trying to keep my voice even. “Do you think that Dmitri would be okay with the men your father has been throwing at you?”

“I think it’s none of your business whom I date, Declan,” she grumbles, looking away from me.

“Actually, you made a deal with me, and as of…”I look down at my watch. “… thirty minutes ago, you are my fiancé.”

Chapter sixteen


“You’re serious?” Although I feign annoyance, there's a tiny part inside of me that is excited. No more atrocious dates, no more potential abductions by my boyfriends… maybe. Just spending the rest of my life with my best friend.

“Well, I haven’t spent the better part of fifteen million dollars and killed three men for the fun of it, Natalia,” he smirks.

“Wait. Youkilledthree of those men?” My eyes widen, quickly returning to normal after I realize that’s not a huge shock.

“Yes. One of them was abusive, the other had ulterior motives that were not going to work out for you, and the third touched something that wasn’t his to touch.” He shrugs. “If it’s any consolation, Finn had a great time dealing out the punishments.”

“What exactly did he touch that wasn’t his?” I stand and place my hands on my hips, glaring at him.