Page 27 of Fatal Vow

“Okay, so there is a hitman that we used years and years ago. He’s one of the best and sometimes moonlights for other families.” Finn places the folder on the coffee table and opens to a page I recognize as financial information. “He received two deposits totaling three million dollars the day after Dmitri was declared dead, and a one million dollar deposit the day you were abducted. I don’t know why we didn’t think of looking at him first, but here we are.”

As I place my hand on her thigh, Natalia gasps and snatches the folder off the table, scanning over the file. “That’s him. Where is he now?” she asks.

“That’s what I came here to tell you. We picked him up last night. He’s at one of our safe houses,” Finn says with a satisfied smile. It’s not often he boasts about doing a good job, but this time he does. I don’t blame him, though. We have been after this fucker for long enough.

“I want to see him,” Natalia says, closing the file and looking over at me.

“We have more important matters first, Natalia.” Squeezing her thigh, I can see the dilemma in her eyes. “I promise we will go see him tonight after we finish everything.”

Chewing on her lip, Natalia lets out a defeated sigh. She knows I’m right. “Okay, but promise me one more thing,” she says, placing her hand on top of mine.

“Anything,” I reply without hesitation. We both know that I won’t tell her no. I haven’t before, and I won’t start now.

“I want to be part of his torture,” she says, squaring her shoulders. “I want to inflict every single wound on him that he inflicted on Dmitri and myself. I want him to suffer.”

I knew I loved her, but that statement just solidified that fact. This woman is beautiful, strong, and terrifying all in one and I can’t get enough of her. “You got it,mo ghrá.”

Finn stands and holds his hand out for the file, but Natalia hesitates. “Can I hold on to this?”

“You can have it on our way to the safe house.” I gently pry the file from her hands and hand it to Finn. “I need you to focus on the urgent matter right now.”

“I will see you guys later,” Finn nods as he walks out the door.

Once he’s gone, Natalia slumps against me. “I can’t believe you’ve been searching all this time,” she whispers.

“Natalia, when have I ever broken a promise to you? I don’t care if it was going to take four years or forty. I vowed to find him and I did. Even more unfortunate for him, he took something that wasn’t his to take. I will allow you to do your worst, get your redemption. But I swear I will be inflicting my own.” I brush a strand of hair out of her face and cup her cheek. She leans into my touch and the corners of my mouth turn up into a slight smile. “Let’s get ready to go.”

“Okay,” she nods, climbing off my lap.

I stand and grab her hand, pulling her to me once more. “Don’t worry about today, okay? Just focus on what we get to do afterwards.”

She wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my chest, exhaling. After staying like that for a few minutes, Natalia pulls away. “I will meet you out here in a few.”

I nod and head to my room to get ready. Going to the closet, I grab the suit that Finn brought the day he restocked the kitchen for us. After getting dressed, I stroll into the bathroom and run a comb through my hair.

Going back to the bedroom, I grab my bag off the bed and walk to the living room where Nat is waiting. I almost stop dead in my tracks when I see what she has on. She’s wearing a black dress that comes down to her mid-thigh, black heels, and a long white coat. Her auburn hair is no longer in its signature ponytail, but rather straight and flowing over her shoulders. “Wow,” I admire as I step closer. “You look amazing.”

She blushes and grabs her bag off the floor. “Thank you, you’re not too bad yourself,” she says, brushing her hand along her dress.

I let out a laugh and open the door for her. She murmurs her thanks as she passes me. After locking the door, I slip the key into my pocket and grab her hand. We make our way back to the cars and throw our bags inside before climbing into hers where she begins the drive toward her house.

The ride to her house is silent, and I can tell she’s deep in thought. “Penny for your thoughts?”

“I’m just thinking about all the things I’m going to do to our prisoner,” she says with a devious grin. “I know I said I wanted to make him suffer like Dmitri did, and I do…” She trails off and looks out the window. “But, I want to honor Dmitri too.”

“Ah, my littlediabhal. I’ve forgotten how evil you are,” I say and reach over, placing my hand on the back of her head, running my thumb over her hair. “I love it.”

She smiles at the nickname and glances over at me. “Wait until after we are finished tonight and see if you still love it.”

“Oh, I guarantee I will,” I assure her.

We arrive at her house, and to my surprise, the guards don’t give me a second glance. However, when we pull into the garage, Ivan is standing in the doorway that leads into the house.

“Are you ready?” She asks, looking over at me.

“Absolutely, let's go,” I give her a reassuring smile. “But, don’t open that door. I need to make a good impression,” I tell her with a wink.

She lets out a huff and I laugh, getting out of the car. I go to the passenger side and open the door for her. Taking her hand as she steps out, we turn to her father.