Page 22 of Fatal Vow

Over the last four years, every man I have dated has either gone missing or never called back. I assume that Houston will not return from the trip to the bathroom.

I’m halfway through my meal by the time he returns. I can’t even mask the surprise that paints my features before he speaks. “I apologize, Natalia. I am not feeling well.”

The previous shock I felt is now replaced by unbridled annoyance. Crossing my legs under the table, I rest my hands in my lap as I glare at him. “Right,” I say, nodding. “How much money did they offer you?” I ask with a raised eyebrow, chin lifted in defiance.

He immediately blanches. I can see the nervous sweat beginning to form on his brow. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he stammers.

“I saw the man come out of the bathroom before you. I know he offered you money to stop seeing me.” I reach forward, thrumming my fingers on the table. “So, let's hear it. How much am I worth?”

“A million dollars,” he averts his gaze from my glare, dropping it to his plate.

“Great. I hope that you enjoy that money.” Standing from my chair, I nod to my head of security and he’s by my side immediately. “Goodbye, Houston.”

“Wait, how will I get home?” He calls after me as I walk out of the restaurant.

“You’re a millionaire now. Call a damn taxi.”

Once inside the car my security brought, I pull my phone out and see that I have a text from Declan.

You’re mine,mo ghrá.

I roll my eyes and feel the blood rushing to my ears. The audacity of this asshole.

Chapter fifteen


“Did you see that Natalia Belov is dating again?” Finn asks as we sit on the couch in my new home. Since my twenty-third birthday is coming up, I will be taking over the business next week. I decided now was a good time to move out of my father's house. It’s a decently sized mansion. We will have to do some renovations, especially to the basement, where I plan to put the workout gym and weapons armory.

“I did not,” I say, as I look down at the whiskey in my glass. “You know the drill,” I mutter, downing the rest of my drink. He nods and leaves the room. Pulling my phone out, I browse Nat’s social media, looking for any indicators as to who this man is. She has gotten better at hiding them, but unfortunately for her, I’m better at seeking.

After about an hour, I receive a text from Finn.

It’s done.

Pulling up Natalia’s fake contact, I send her a text.

You’re mine,mo ghrá.

Hui. Stop running off these men.

They’re hardly men,mo ghrá.

See you at seven.

Natalia caught onto my game around the time her third boyfriend, Tyler, just up and disappeared. To be fair, he was a piece of shit. Dmitri would have risen from his grave and killed me himself if I let that man around Nat. I don’t make it a habit to have every boyfriend of hers killed. Usually, one of my men will offer her boyfriend a generous lump sum to leave. However, when they refuse the money, Finn will give them a taste of what will come if they don’t heed my warning.

The bribery started out just to annoy her, but now, over the last four years, it has grown into much more. I’ve known since I was fourteen that I had some type of feelings for Natalia. At first, I chalked the foreign feelings up to puppy love. Apparently, puppy love doesn’t cause you to run off potential suitors, though. Who knew?

Twenty minutes later, I’m standing at my desk looking through some paperwork, when Finn returns. “Well?” I question, coming around to the other side of the desk.

“He took the money without a second thought,” he pouts. Finn loves to get his hands dirty. Lately, all the guys have been choosing to take the money and run. “You gotta lower the price, you’re making the decision too easy and I’m not having any fun.”

“Sorry, man. I’ll think about it,” I tell him with a smirk. I will not be giving this conversation a second thought because Natalia is worth the money offered and so much more. Finn doesn’t need to hear that though. “Have you had better luck with the other project?” I ask as I lean back, propping myself against my desk, and crossing my arms over my chest.

“Unfortunately, no,” he replies as he sits down in one of the chairs in front of me. “Whoever is behind Viktor… man, I don’t think we will ever find out.”

I lean my head back and curse at the ceiling. “Who the fuck is this guy?” We have been looking nonstop into the men that abducted Natalia. “He had to fuck up somewhere.” Every time I think we are getting close, we end up at another dead end. Looking down at my watch, I exhale. “Okay, bring me the file tomorrow morning and I will look over it again,see if we can find another route to take.”