Page 8 of Reminders of Her

A bitter laugh threatens to escape me.If she knew the depth of my relationship with Greyson, she’d be asking for a lot more than an introduction—both of us in bed.Not that we ever had threesomes with any groupie.Sex has always been something we saved for us—our ballerina, Grey, and me.

If we ever invited someone else, it would be meaningless, just like this date and the conversation.I glance at my watch, realizing it’s time to go.

“Listen, Mindy—”

“Mandy,” she corrects, her fingers briefly brushing over mine.The touch is foreign and unwelcome.

“Right, Mandy.”I regain composure.“Did I ever tell you about my ...uh llama at home?”

Mid-sip of her green organic juice, she freezes.“A ...llama?Really?”

I nod, keeping my face as straight as possible.“Absolutely.Her name is Bob.I rescued her from a ...a llama circus.”

Stars practically twinkle in her eyes.“Wow, that’s ...impressive.I’ve heard you’re amazing, but this rescued a llama.”

“It’s no big deal,” I reply, leaning back in my chair, a small victory dance playing in my mind.“She’s cool, but well, Bob, she’s got a bit of an anxiety issue.Gets really nervous if I’m not home on time.”

Mandy blinks at me, her excitement replaced with confusion.“She ...does?”

I nod solemnly, donning my best “concerned pet owner” face.“Oh, absolutely.My poor girl is probably pacing around in circles right now.I really should go comfort her.You understand, don’t you?”

She nods slowly.“Of course, we can’t have Bobby panicking.”

“Bob, her name is Bob,” I correct her.“She doesn’t like Bobby.”

She turns red and gives me an apologetic smile.“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend her.Why don’t you just go?Call me when you have time again.”

With a quick, apologetic smile, I rise, leaving a hundred-dollar bill on the table.

As I retreat from the bistro, I can’t help but chuckle at my ridiculous story.I’m sure Fish is going to have a blast when I tell him how I got rid of Mandy ...though Nat, his wife, might not like me since this blind date was her idea.

I wince.She’s going to give me shit.

But just as I got rid of one person, another annoying person is bothering me.I receive a text from Lang.

Lang:Swing by the bookstore.Grab Harmony in Three: An excruciating memoir of a ballerina, a broken family, and the tragedy that shattered them.

San:Last time I checked, you had an assistant for your errands.

Lang:Just get the memoir.I’m here if you need me.

I’m not far from a bookstore, but instead of following Lang’s vague instructions, I search for the book online.I want to know why he’s being insistent.I find it quickly.It’s supposed to be some bestselling book.I don’t see why I want it, but I read the synopsis.

Harmony in Threeis an awe-inspiring biography that delves into the captivating life of a gifted ballerina entangled in the depths of existence’s darkest corners.From her tender introduction to the stage, her journey became a relentless pursuit of perfection in ballet, marred by a haunting secret that followed her every move.

Readers will be pulled into the enigmatic beauty of her dance, experiencing moments of triumph and witnessing her love for the art and the two men who tried to save her.

Through exquisite prose, this heartrending memoir illuminates the complex tapestry of her existence, capturing her courage, vulnerability, and the profound impact she left on those fortunate enough to witness her dance.

Harmony in Threestands as a testament to the enduring power of art, the resilience of the human spirit, and the lasting legacy of a fallen ballerina whose tragic story will forever resonate in the hearts of those who turn its pages.

I read the synopsis several times before I call Lang.

“Yo?”he answers immediately.

“Why do I care about reading this book?”I snap.My voice comes out sharper than I mean.

“The theme.”His cagey response sends a shiver down my spine.“If I recall, you have a thing for ballet, don’t you?”