Page 11 of Reminders of Her

Or maybe she’s still in danger?Is it only her, or is it them?

So many fucking questions, and I don’t know where to search for the answers.For a moment, I entertain the thought of contacting Lang so he can figure out Enya’s whereabouts.But I don’t want him to know how much this affects me.At least not yet.Also, I can’t forget the promise I made to stay away.But if Enya broke the silence, I should ...can I?

No.There has to be another way.

I could reach out to the high intelligence security company I work for, but that will raise a few red flags among my friends—including Lang.

What if I reach out to Finnegan Gil?

He’s a family friend who runs Crait Quantum Shield—a much newer high intelligence security company that can track people, hack into databases, and find the intel I need.The guy likes to break rules.Plus, he owes me several favors, and just maybe, he could help me figure out who the author is and how to unpublish the book.

I don’t want to sue anyone or raise any suspicions about Greyson and me.

Fuck, if Grey finds out ...I don’t even want to think about that part.He’s going to lose his ever-fucking-shit.I have to make a call before he spirals out of control—this is almost like a self-destructive bomb.If I don’t defuse it now, it’ll just fuck with his head.

“Sanford Bancroft,” Finnegan Gil answers on the first ring.“Are you ready to quit The Organization and come work for me?”

I scoff.“What’s the point when one day, you’ll merge with them?”

His rich laugh echoes through the line.I’m glad one of us is in a good mood.“I like your humor, Bancroft.But, if you’re not looking for employment, what is it that you want?”

“Harmony in Three.”I pause, taking a deep breath, drawing courage and hope into my lungs.“It’s a biography published just three weeks ago.I need to uncover the author’s identity and ...if you could help me shut it down.”

“You too, huh?What’s so great about this book?”His surprised tone catches me off guard.

“Someone already came to you?”I inquire.

“First it was my wife, Piper.Then, Greyson, my brother-in-law,” he replies.

A bitter chill runs through my veins as he mentionshim.

Fuck, Greyson knows about the book.My hand instinctively rises, pressing into my eyes, knuckles carving hollows into the soft flesh as I gather my scattered thoughts.

As far as I know, Finnegan remains unaware of our shared history—or at least, I hope he does.Unless ...unless Grey or Piper divulged our secrets to him?I shake my head, dismissing the thought.It’s irrelevant now.

“What have you found out so far?”I ask, my fingers drumming against my chest as if trying to still the frantic pulse of my heart.

“Nothing.I will start digging into it next week,” he says as if this doesn’t matter.“We’re currently dealing with a fussy baby who’s teething.Derek is on a mission, so it’s just Piper and me against our beautiful, yet possessed baby.You can always contact Lang, your best friend.”

Is he fucking kidding me?And before I can say anything, he cuts in, “Although I have the feeling that you don’t want to reach out to him.Just like I suspect that you and Greyson reach out to me because I don’t know what the fuck is going on ...”

He’s right.This is one of the reasons I reached out because he’ll just pay back what he owes me without asking any questions.

Finn scoffs.“It sucks that you two take advantage of my amnesia.”

“It’s complicated,” I mumble, feeling like an asshole.

“Though, do you know what I plan on doing?”he asks, and I swear, I can almost see the smug expression forming on his face.

“Whatever you do, please don’t ask around,” I mumble.

“Actually, I’m planning on listening to the audiobook.”He chuckles.“I’ll have my notes soon and even a Q&A ready for you.”

I roll my eyes, exasperated, yet I sigh with relief, knowing he won’t reach out to the family.

“Where is Greyson?”I dare to ask.

“Malibu, helping my father-in-law with the nightclub,” he answers, and this is the beauty of contacting someone who doesn’t know anything about our tumultuous past.