Page 17 of Reminders of Her

We have to choose which way we’ll be going.This is the exact point where the past intertwines with the present and marks our future.Despite the dread simmering in my gut, I understand this moment for what it truly is—an opportunity for redemption, a second chance at life, and maybe the closure we never had.

And so, as I take a deep breath, I follow Sanford into the cottage, hoping for ...what do I even think will happen here?

Will I find a way to start a new life where I don’t feel as much pain?A life where my heart is finally ready to love again?



The cottage isnext to my tattoo parlor—a business I acquired from Manelik’s grandfather a year ago when he chose to retire.In this quaint little house, I always find solace, seeking refuge from the chaos of the world.When life becomes overwhelming and I can’t deal with their memories, I retreat here.

It’s a sanctuary untouched by our love and our shared history.Yet now I find myself harboring Greyson within these sacred walls.Soon, every corner and crack will echo his name and retain the lingering traces of his scent.How can I possibly honor the promise I made, the vow to never seek him out again?

Brushing off those thoughts, I push open the door.The familiar creak of the hinges seems louder than usual.Rays of sun filter in, bathing the interior and welcoming us.My gaze meanders over the rustic charm of the place, resting on the weathered furniture.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Greyson enter.His eyes, a captivating shade of forest green, dart around, apprehensively taking in his new surroundings.His shoulders remain tensed, every line of his body conveying a readiness to flee.Run and save himself from the past and the future we could have if he wasn’t trapped by his demons.

He rapidly places the biography on the table.I still don’t know what it holds and how much of us is in there.I could’ve read part of it during our flight, but I chose to shut my eyes and sleep close to Grey.

Though, I know I’ll hate whatever was written about us.Lang wouldn’t have reached out if he wasn’t certain it held more than I’m comfortable revealing.We hid our relationship from the public because I was afraid of my and Greyson’s fans.And then, there’s the scrutiny of those who wouldn’t understand how my heart could love two people.

Shaking off the unease, I move toward the kitchen.The clink of ceramic mugs cuts through the silence as I call over my shoulder, “Do you want coffee?”

Since he doesn’t respond, I turn to face Greyson, my eyes drawn to the delicate frame he holds, preserving a moment frozen in time.The photograph, a symphony captured, portrays us with radiant smiles and love resonating from every note of our beings.

Once upon a time, our hearts danced in harmony.

Once upon a time, our love orchestrated a symphony of joy.

Once upon a time, we composed a melodic union of dreams and love.

A love that crescendoed like no other.

Once upon a time, our love was a grand composition, illuminating the stage of our lives.Now, it stands as a poignant requiem, a haunting melody that stirs the depths of my soul.

“Why?”His question is so simple, one word, but it’s charged with so much more.

“Why not?”Two words drenched in bitter defiance.

“I don’t understand why you can’t just move on with your life.They didn’t break you,” he accuses, his words stinging.A sharp knife thrust into my heart.

“How dare you say that?”I spit out, my anger boiling over, a tempest of raw emotion.“The moment they ...Do you think I didn’t feel what happened to the two of you?You’re wrong, Greyson.It fucking destroyed me.”

Closing the distance between us in two swift strides, I stand in front of him, face-to-face.The hurt in his eyes mirroring my own.His assumption that I am unaffected, unbroken, is a cruel blade.It slices through me, leaving me exposed.It completely shattered me.Greyson ...he’s been my life since forever.

I met him so long ago.Mom worked for his family.His parents are kind and helped her with my brothers and me.They gave us scholarships to attend the arts academy and the school Ainsley Decker owns.They embraced us as part of their family.I was a toddler when I became best friends with his cousin Grace.

I loved him for years.

I loved him long before I kissed him.

I belonged to him even when I didn’t know we were meant to be together.

We were soulmates from the beginning of time—Grey, her, and me.

We’re a trinity.

I can’t move on because we’re one.My shattered pieces don’t fit anywhere else.