Page 53 of Mile High Contract

“Wait. How long were you there? You saw all that?”

“I saw enough,” I mutter.

“Well, you embarrassed me. I didn’t need you going all alpha and dragging me out of there. I’ll never hear the end of it from my friends.”

I blow out a breath. “I apologize for that then.”

“Not just because you want to sleep with me right now?” she asks, her eyebrow quirked in question.

I shake my head. “No, I mean it. I’m sorry. I just lost my shit.”

She smirks up at me, a teasing look in her gaze as she sing-songs, “Because you like me.”

Stepping closer, I lean down to touch her hair. I don’t blame the tool for doing the same, it’s so soft and touchable and smells like pineapples. “Maybe a little too much.”

She smiles wider, still looking up at me. I want to kiss her again badly, but I don’t.

“Where’s your guestroom?” she asks quietly as we stare at each other in the dark of my bedroom, just the moon shining in as it hovers over the mountains in the distance.

“I’ll show you.” I glance at my watch. “Are you tired, though? It’s only ten-thirty.”

She shrugs. “Not super tired. What do you want to do besides have sex?”

“Well, nothing, but I’ll compromise with a movie and some popcorn. Here, I mean. Not going out.”

She laughs. “Movies are closing soon anyway.”

Her laugh makes me warm and happy inside, and soon, I find myself curled up on my massive sofa watching a Marvel movie with some microwave popcorn and a couple of beers.

When she starts to doze off, I take the beer from her hand and set it on the coffee table, pick her up, and carry her to the guestroom. She’s wearing nothing but one of my oversized tee shirts and I’d almost jizzed in my pants when she’d come out of the room earlier wearing it. I tuck her under the covers and kiss her forehead.

As I head to the door, I hear, “Carter?”

I turn around and stare questioningly at her in the dark.

“Thank you,” she murmurs before rolling onto her side and closing her eyes.

I close the door with a quiet click and grin to myself.

I really want her in my bed but I don’t trust myself, especially in the morning when she’ll be way too tempting for me to resist, all warm and messy hair in the Colorado morning sun.

Instead, I turn off the television, instruct Alexa to turn off the lights, and head into my bedroom. I leave my door open in case she changes her mind, which I doubt she will, and slip into bed wearing nothing at all.

My body wants to get some rest and sleep, but my mind won’t shut off. I’ve never had a woman refuse to sleep with me. I smile at the memory of the look on her face. Leave it to Taryn Andrews, stubborn, sassy, and gorgeous as hell.