Page 42 of Mile High Contract

“Definitely can’t have liquid around these things. They’re not waterproof like our cell phones.” I smile politely and hold mine up. “You’re going to have re-log in to all your programs though. Sorry about that.”

She sits down and makes a face and points to the generic blue Windows background. “Where’s the photo of my grandkids that was on the screen?”

“You need to redo it. It’s a new CPU and those types of things are associated with the hard drive of the computer, not the general system.” I’m trying not to sound condescending but my God, isn’t this like Computers 101?

“Okay. I’ll have Gina help me put it back up. I love seeing their smiling faces every day.”

I give her a tight smile. “Sounds great. I’ll be in IT if you need anything else.”

I can already hear her huffing in annoyance as she clicks the mouse and realizes everything is new and she has to re-log in to everything.

As I walk down the hall, I run into Carter.

“Oh, hi. Sorry,” I say, trying to scoot around him.

“What were you doing in HR?” he asks suspiciously.

“Fixing Lisa’s computer. Or rather, replacing it. She spilled coffee on the hard drive.” Oops, probably shouldn’t have snitched. I wouldn’t do well in prison.

“That’s unfortunate,” he replies, shaking his head and continuing down the hallway.

Okay then, nice talking to you, too.


I shake my head and go back to my desk. I have a pile of work but I can’t concentrate. Carter’s icy demeanor toward me is bothering me. He can’t possibly still be mad about last Friday. And if he is, well, he needs to get over it. I didn’t ask for his damn help.

Which gets me thinking about this program he has access to. Only him. I could see if it was something like, CEO duties. Or Lockwood Tech’s startup stuff. But it specifically readalternative application development.What does that mean? Is he developing or using apps on his own that no one else in the company knows about?

I’d sure love to find out.

Maybe I will.

I smile to myself and go back to work.