Page 30 of Mile High Contract




Ilift the drink tomy mouth and smile at my friend when he cracks not only a rare joke, but a rare smile. Lincoln Silverstone is such a serious dude, but he’s also a good friend.

“Who knew you were such a funny guy?” I ask, lightly punching Lincoln in the arm.

He looks down at his arm, then back to me. He almost looks confused. “I’m not. I heard that joke at our Christmas party last year. Everyone laughed so I tucked it away for when I was at a social event and there was a lull in conversation.”

Did I mention Lincoln is also very blunt? No real gray areas with him. He says what he means and means what he says. I fucking love it.

“Well, did you find it funny yourself?” our other friend, Declan Kelley, asks.

Lincoln ponders the question and then shakes his head. “No, not really.”

I chuckle. Typical Lincoln.

“Well, I thought it was fucking hilarious,” Declan says, shooting back the last of his scotch. He signals the server for another. I think he just wants to talk to her again.

The country club has the best looking employees, from the restaurant bar, where we are now enjoying post-game cocktails, to the lifeguards at the pool and the cabana girls. I move my gaze out of the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the golf course. The sky’s as blue as ever with a smattering of thick, pure white clouds, making the green of the course look almost neon. Lincoln and Declan had both kicked my ass by the 18thhole, but I didn’t care. Playing golf on a warm, sunny Sunday afternoon with the backdrop of the mountains is just about as close to heaven as it’ll get for me. I hate winter for the simple fact that I can’t golf. Having snow and ice on the course is a real drag.

“Another one, honey?” the server asks Declan. He looks at her tits spilling out of her low-cut shirt a little longer than appropriate, then smiles up at her. “Yes, ma’am.”

She giggles a little and I resist an eyeroll. Then, she looks at Lincoln, then me. “You two good?”

I drain my glass and lift it slightly. “I’ll take another. And could you bring us that big cheese and meat platter thing as well?”

She winks at me. “The Big Putter Charcuterie? You got it.”

Lincoln puts his hand over his still-full glass and shakes his head. “I’m good.”

She beams a smile and flounces off while we watch her in her short white skirt. For some reason, the servers all dress like they’re going to a tennis match. Kind of goes with the country club vibe and of course none of us are complaining.

After she walks away, Declan lifts his glass and asks, “So, where’s the club at this month?”

He is, of course, speaking about the rotating sex club—the Mile High Rooms. Thankfully he had enough couth to keep his voice down when he asked.

I shake my head. “Not sure. Jim sends me the info around the first of the month.”

“I hope the Cate twins are there this time. Wish I could reserve them in advance,” Declan says, a far-off look on his face.

“Twins, huh?” Lincoln asks. “Not sure I’ve had two at once.”

“You’d remember, bro,” Declan replies. “These girls are something else. Who’s your favorite?” he asks him.

Lincoln shakes his head. “I don’t utilize the club any longer.” He holds up his left hand. “Married now.”