Before anyone could analyze what was happening, Christian noticed how Eric’s hand immediately reached for his sword, which he pulled out in a second. He had already seen Eric’s move, and his sword was at the ready too; hence just as Eric attacked him blindly, Christian easily defended the attack, pushing Eric away with the force of his sword.

“I will kill ye,” Eric shouted, growing angrier and attacked yet again but Christian defended himself once more, pushing Eric back rather easily.

“Will ye now?” Christian asked, attacking Eric himself, easily cutting across his left arm. He could have easily pierced Eric directly in the heart to kill him, but Christian wanted him to writhe with pain before he died. Christian wanted to make him suffer.

Just as Eric recovered from the attack, Christian easily landed a blow on his stomach, successfully breaking a few ribs since Eric doubled over in pain. As Eric fell to the ground, Christian wanted to do nothing more but hurt the man. He landed fist after fist on his face until blood spat out of his mouth.

“Ye hurt Keira, ye bastard,” Christian shouted, “ye will suffer for that.”

“Christian,” Keira’s voice forced him to turn around as he looked at her; she had tears in her eyes as she whispered to him, “Just kill him.”

She was right. She had taught him to be a better man than this. She has shown him how violence was not the answer to everything. As Eric lay in front of him, almost motionless and very near to death, Christian was certain that the least he could do to differentiate himself from this monster was giving him a painless death.

Torturing might feel good now, but then? Then I’d only feel worse. I am better than this.

Christian stood up from the ground, picking up his sword in his hand as he eyed Eric. He easily stuck the sword through Eric’s heart just as the blood gushed out, and the man was dead within a few seconds alone. Christian continued to stare at him for several seconds, unable to believe that Eric was finally dead. The person who had caused Keira nothing but pain was finally dead.

“Christian,” he heard her voice as she walked towards him, her hand reaching out to hold her elbow.

“He is dead,” Christian said, almost in a whisper, “I have avenged yer faither.”

“Thank ye,” Keira nodded, wiping her tears. “We should go back home.”

“We will,” Christian promised before turning to Josh, “stop the battle. Whoever is alive from the Gilmor army, pardon them. Whoever is dead, make sure they are buried, and their families informed.”

“Yes, me laird,” Josh nodded and immediately walked out of the castle. The other lairds nodded at both Keira and Christian before walking out as well, most definitely to take a look at their own armies. He still could not believe that the battle had finally come to an end, and Keira was beside him once again. Being away from her, even if it was for just a few days, had been hell for Christian. He could never imagine suffering through this pain again.

“I can nae believe ye brought such a big army to get me back,” Keira said, a soft smile on her face. “I ken ye would have done just fine even if ye came alone.”

“I would have come alone if it were nae for the council members telling me that it was both dangerous and irrational and I must focus on ending the Gilmor clan once and for all,” Christian told her honestly, “it was the only reason I waited and collected the army to make sure Eric could see the strength he was up against. I wanted him to see he could never compare.”

“He already knew he was nay match against ye,” Keira replied, “nay one is a match against ye.”

“I can nae argue with that,” Christian joked, and Keira smacked him slightly. He pulled her close, softly kissing her forehead once again thanking God for returning her to him.

“I don’t think I have ever been more scared before, Keira,” he said, his head resting on her hair.

“I was nae scared,” she replied, “I knew ye would come for me.”

“Ye trust me that much?”

“I trust ye more than I have ever trusted anyone in the world, Christian,” she replied, looking into my eyes, “I ken ye will always stand beside me through it all.”

“I will,” he smiled at her.

“And I will do just the same for ye,” she replied. “I love ye, Christian”.

His heart skipped a beat at her confession. “I love ye too, my fox”.

He bent down, placing a kiss on her forehead, followed by her nose and cheek, until he finally reached her lips.

He kissed them softly, but Keira only pulled him closer, until they were kissing as passionately as they always did, and Christian finally felt whole again. No one could make him feel that way but her. She was his home.

“Should we go back home?” he asked her, pulling away slightly.

“We should,” she replied, “even though you happen to be the only home I want.”

Christian laughed at her reply, “Ye are my home too.”