“We must go,” she said, and Eric nodded. This was not the right time to mull over the past.

“We will leave from the back,” he replied as they walked away quickly. The castle was in utter chaos as the servants were running from one end to the next. Everyone was simply focused on trying to save their lives because it was the most they could do right now. The chance of escaping with an army this huge waiting right outside seemed rather difficult to Eric, but he could not give up without trying.

“Laird MacPherson is in the castle!” a maid shouted, informing everyone around her, and Eric looked at his mother, who was just as stunned by the bit of news as him.Christian was already here, which only meant that he would need to rush.

“Come on, mother. Quicker,” he motioned towards her just as a few servants blocked their path.

“Laird Gilmor, ye can nae leave us to die at the hands of Laird MacPherson at such a time,” one of them insisted, “ye must fight him to protect us all.”

“Get out of my way right now,” he shouted, extremely annoyed. He had no time to waste right now.

“Laird, please,” the servants continued insisting, refusing to move aside. “we can nae let ye go while ye leave us here to die.”

“Gilmor!” a loud voice shouted from behind him, and Eric turned around to notice that several soldiers and a few lairds from the other clans including, Josh, MacPherson’s man at arms, stood beside him. He could see he was truly trapped.

He turned back towards his servants, “Ye must let me go immediately, or these men will kill me.”

“We have lived in this castle for all our lives. We have given generations of our families for the Gilmor family. We have endured the behavior of ye and yer mother towards us. Ye can nae let us die in here after all that we have done for ye. We will nae let it happen!” The servant shouted, and everyone else cheered in agreement.

“Let us go you lowlifes!” his mother said angrily, “have ye forgotten who we are.”

“Ye are the cowards who have never been good to us, yet we endured it with patience. Ye will die with us in the castle. We will nae let ye escape,” the servant replied back. Eric could sense this was a lost argument since they were trapped from both ends in the hallway. He knew he could go either way, and the only thing waiting for him was death. The footsteps behind him were an indication of the fact that Josh and the other lairds were coming nearer. He knew it was the end for him.

He turned around at last, staring at them, “I ken what I have done is wrong, but I am ready to beg for forgiveness from Laird MacPherson. Please do nae kill me.”

“We will nae kill ye. Eric,” Josh replied, “Christian will kill ye himself. He specifically asked us to nae even touch ye.”

“I have done nothing. I must be allowed to leave,” his mother said from beside him, and Eric turned to look at her incredulously.

“Ye have done nothing!?” he asked her, his words vibrating with anger. “Ye were the mastermind behind the entire kidnapping and the person who lured Christian away from Keira with a fake feud between yer men. Ye were the one who convinced me that I needed to get Keira back because it was against my honor!”

“I did nae kidnap her; he did,” she said without even looking at Eric. “I am innocent in the matter.”

“Ye were equally involved!” a servant shouted suddenly as all of them gathered around his mother. You’ve always been cruel”

“Eric, Eric, stop them!” his mother said in a panic, but Eric ignored her entirely.

“They are all right, mother. It is as much yer doing as it is mine. I do nae ken why I ever listened to ye. I wish I had never let ye manipulate me in the first place,” he replied as he watched a throng of maids drag her away.

He knew he should have felt something, he should have felt horror or grief, for he knew the servants would definitely kill his mother, but he was emotionless. The woman had never given him a fond memory to cherish, and her death did not matter to him.

Especially when he knew his own death was waiting for him. Christian must have found Keira by now. He must have seen the bruises on her body, and it would only take him a few seconds for his hatred to grow even more towards Eric.

Christian would never let me leave after what I did to Keira.

Eric knew he had made a huge mistake. He watched emotionlessly as his mother was dragged away as she kept fighting for her life. Although he knew he himself did not have the strength to fight back. He would never be able to stand before Christian. Just then, a loud, lethal voice thundered through the entire castle, and Eric knew it was the end.

“Bring Eric to me!” Christian shouted. He had never sounded angrier.


“Keira!”Christian’s voice reached her through the door as she stood just by it. Her heart was filled with relief as she knew he was just on the other side. He had come for her.

“I am here, Christian,” she replied, a sob escaping her. She could not wait to be in his arms.

“Move away from the door, Keira,” he said loudly, “I will need to break it open.”

She immediately backed away, giving him room to break the door open since she knew Eric had locked it up. Within a few minutes, Christian had burst through the door with his sheer strength, the wooden plank separating entirely from its hinges as it fell to the ground.