“I am nay lying, me laird,” Brian replied, sounding worried.

“Is our army ready?” Eric asked, knowing that he would have to fight back.

“Yes, me laird,” Brian nodded, “should I send them to town, so they can fight the army as soon as they enter our lands. They will try to attack the villagers.”

“Nay,” Eric shook his head, “I do nae care about those people. Only mount the army at the castle gates and inside the castle. Make sure all of them are standing ready. We must protect the castle only.”

“But the people, me laird?” Brian asked, sounding confused, which annoyed Eric even more, “they will expect some kind of protection from ye.”

“The people can die for all I care,” he shouted back, his anger rising, “We do nae have enough soldiers to fight such a huge army anyway, and the castle deserves greater protection than anybody else.”

“Of course,” Brian nodded and left at once.

Eric walked out of his study and marched straight towards Keira’s bedchamber, throwing it open. She was laying on the bed but immediately stood up when she saw him enter. Her face had bruises all over it, and she looked extremely worn out, but Eric did not care at all for her. He never really had.

“Do ye ken what is happening?” he asked her, his voice low.

“What do ye mean?” she asked, appearing confused.

“Christian has apparently gathered the largest army in all of Scotland and is marching here right now,” Eric told her, a bitter taste persisting in his mouth.

“Is he now?” Keira asked, a smile appearing on her face. “I already told ye he will come for me.”

“I do nae care about ye and what ye told me,” Eric shouted, “I wish I had killed ye sooner, but right now, I have nay time. I will be out of here before Christian can even find me.”

“He will find ye, Eric,” Keira replied confidently. “Ye can go and hide anywhere in the world, but I can assure ye that Christian will find ye nay matter where ye are, and he will kill ye.”

“We will see,” Eric replied. Just then, a loud thundering voice reached them, and Keira immediately walked towards the window, and Eric followed behind her. Her window was open to the entire view of the gardens, and the arriving army was already beginning to be visible from here. They stood in front of the castle gates.

“He is here,” Keira whispered almost triumphantly, just as a few soldiers broke the latches on the gates, the army running inside as the Gilmor soldiers tried to defend. Within seconds, dust was rising from the ground as the armies collided.

“I think if ye wish to run, ye should do it now,” she turned to look at him. “Christian will be upon ye before ye realize it.”

“I will lock ye here and leave ye to die,” Eric said, “he will nae be able to find ye so easily.”

“We will see about that,” Keira laughed. Eric knew he could not waste time bickering with her because it was evident his doom had arrived.

There was no way he would ever be able to fight off Christian or win against such a large army. His only hope to stay alive right now was to escape. He briskly walked out of Keira’s bedchamber, locking her inside as he made his way toward his mother, who had stepped out in worry.

“Eric?” she asked him, concern evident on her face, “what is happening? Have we been attacked?”

“Christian is here with a large army,” Eric answered shortly. “if ye wish to stay alive, ye will need to run. Christian will nae leave anyone alive.”

“I am nae going anywhere, Eric,” his mother said resolutely, “this is our castle, and MacPherson and his army can nae force us to leave from here. Ye must go out there and fight him. Ye must stand yer ground.”

“Ye do nae understand, mother!” Eric shouted, shaking her by the shoulders, “If I go out there, I will die. Christian is so angry he will kill me with his bare hands. He has arrived with the armies of all of his neighboring clans. We do nae have the numbers or strength to fight him. We will lose!”

“We have nay other choice?” she asked, her voice losing hope.


“Where is Keira?” his mother suddenly asked, “should we take her with us?”

“She is worthless, mother,” Eric replied, “I only care about my own life right now, and ye should do the same. Take whatever is necessary, and we will leave immediately.”

He watched her nod as he himself walked towards his own bedchamber, quickly gathering anything he might need and held monetary value. He did not know where he would run off too, but this was the only way to get things done. Only if he hadn’t kidnapped Keira none of this would have happened in the first place.

His mother was already waiting for him outside as he walked out, and Eric suddenly felt a strong sense of hatred towards her. It was only because of her that he had been reduced to the status of running away from his own castle. If she had not coaxed him into kidnapping Keira, neither of them would be suffering an impending threat of death right now.