Soldiers stood ready in platoons for as far as the eye could see, and all the lairds were gathered beside Christian. Each of them seemed just as stunned by the sheer strength of the army laid out before them as none could have expected this. Scotland had never seen such an army before, and Christian could not believe he was finally going to rescue Keira and destroy Eric once and for all with such a huge power beside him.

“My soldiers!” he greeted them all loudly, his voice echoing through the large ground they stood at. They were rather close to the Gilmor clan, and it would not take them long to reach there.

He watched as the soldiers quietened down, their attention solely towards him.

“I must thank ye all for participating in my cause and helping me attack the Gilmor castle!” he said. He could not deny being grateful to them for all they were doing for him, “We will be reaching the clan soon enough, and I just wanted to remind ye all that we are only attacking the castle. The people of the Gilmor clan are innocent and suffering under the rule of Lord Gilmor themselves. Nay one is supposed to hurt them since we will only be storming the castle.”

A loud cheer was followed by his announcement, and Christian was glad to see that no one opposed his decision. He had never been a proponent of undue violence, even though all he could see right now was red. Keira was locked up because of Eric, and Christian would make sure Eric suffered immensely.

“And nay one will touch Lord Gilmor,” Christian said again, loud enough for all to hear, “He is mine to kill!”

This was met with even greater cheering as the army began to march toward the Gilmor clan once again. As they neared the lands, Christian noticed how several farmers who were farming on the outskirts saw them immediately, their mouths falling open at the sight before them.

“Are ye ready, Christian?” Josh asked him, and Christian nodded.

“I have never been more ready to kill a man,” he replied, trying his best to stay calm and keep his anger in check. He needed to find Keira first and make sure she was safe. If Eric had done anything to her, Christian would never be able to control himself. Keira had to be all right.

“This army is a sight to see,” Josh remarked.

“Eric will know he is doomed the moment he sees us,” Christian smirked, “I want the man to vehemently suffer until he is dead. I want him to know what he had done was inexcusable.”

They marched ahead silently, finally reaching the castle gates. Christian noticed how the town had almost been empty, as if whoever was notified of the arrival of this army had retreated to their houses. Just as Christian had instructed the army, no one looted the houses or exercised any violence on the innocent people. He would have never tolerated such a thing.

“Break the gates,” Christian instructed, and within minutes, several soldiers had stepped ahead, breaking the gates with their sheer strength. The Gilmor army was waiting right by the gates, and the soldiers charged forward, already looking forward to the fight.

Christian could hear loud shouts behind him, metal clanging over metal as the armies collided against one another, but he knew the Gilmor army could never win. His army outranked them in both strength, skill, and number, and they truly had no hope.

“Do ye want me to come with ye?” Josh asked Christian, who shook his head.

“Nay, I will find her myself,” Christian nodded. “Ye stay here and make sure ye have yer eyes on the fight.”

“Ye ken where to find me if ye need anything,” Josh replied, running in the midst of the battle as Christian rode forward.

He knew Keira must be in a bedchamber somewhere in the castle, and Eric, too, must be hiding inside. The man was a coward to the core and would never have the guts to step forward and fight himself. Christian would not be surprised if he decided to run away, which was the reason Christian had divided the army into sections and they had surrounded the castle entirely. If Eric were to escape, he would be both seen and caught immediately and brought directly to Christian. There was no repentance or a chance to run away from him. He deserved death.

He turned around and noticed several Gilmor soldiers advancing toward him from behind and drew out his sword while still seated atop his horse, easily slitting their throats in a rage.

“Idiots,” he shook his head, riding towards the manor gates, which had been broken down by soldiers, and several of them were quickly filtering inside. The last time Christian had attacked the castle, it had been the middle of the night, and he had found Keira right here in the gardens. Although he knew Eric would not let her escape so easily this time.

I will find her nonetheless.

He stepped down from his horse, tying it to a tree nearby, and, with his sword still bloody and clasped tightly in his hands, quickly made his way inside the castle. The castle was in chaos as everyone was running away from one end to the other. The servants were trying their best to escape, and Christian did not care about them. He knew Eric and Eric’s mother were both positively awful to their servants as well, and Christian had nothing against them. If it were still the old Christian, the man he had been before he had met Keira, he knew he would have killed them all in a mad rage, but right now, he was more rational and focused on finding her.

“Ye, stop!” Christian shouted as he saw a maid running towards the back of the castle. Her gaze widened as she saw him, recognition in her expression.

“Laird MacPherson,” she whispered, standing frozen on the spot.

“Where is Keira?” he asked her, his tone angry. He could only hope for her to know.

“Upstairs. The bedchamber at the extreme right,” she croaked out, and Christian nodded before moving towards the staircase. The nearer he got to her, the more he was certain that she was somewhere here only. He knew he would find her. She was waiting for him.


“What doye mean a large army is marching towards the clan?” Eric asked Brian, who had just informed him of the news. Apparently, the farmers on the outskirts had noticed a huge army, larger than any they had ever seen, coming towards the clan.

“It is the Laird MacPherson, me laird,” Brian elaborated, “he has gathered the support of several neighboring lairds, and he is marching towards us with a combined army.”

“Ye are lying,” Eric said unbelievably. He had expected Christian to attack him eventually, but he had never expected him to gather such a huge army in a matter of two days alone. He had thought that Christian had never cared enough about Keira to do such a thing, but apparently, he had been proven wrong. Christian had outdone himself, and Eric knew his army was not equipped to fight the men marching towards him. They were all more skillful and well trained and much more in number.