Keira was certain by this point Christian would have found Josh. Although, she did not know if Josh would remember seeing Eric in the alley. If Josh had seen Eric, Christian would immediately know that Keira had been kidnapped, and he would come for her. He would not leave her in this hell longer than she needed to be here.

Please come rescue me from here, Christian. Please.

He could not hear her, but she still felt as if she could say anything to him, and he would listen. It was their hearts that were connected to one another, and if there was someone in the world who could really rescue Keira, it was him. She knew it.

“Please, God, do nae let me die at the hands of this man,” she sobbed, “please give me the strength to stay alive until Christian comes for me.”

It was not going to be easy. It would perhaps be extremely difficult truly, but Keira had to be strong for herself and for Christian. She needed to be strong for her father because she certainly could not let his death go unavenged. He had died to protect her, and Keira would do anything in her power to make sure Eric suffered a similar fate. She would make sure he suffered just as he was making her suffer. Now all she needed to do was pray for a miracle to help her escape or for Christian to rescue her as soon as he could. She knew she would not be caught up here for too long.


“I will kill him,”Christian thundered, hurling a glass kept on the table towards the wall, the glass shattering immediately at the contact.

“Christian, calm down,” Josh said, standing up from the bed.

It had been two days already since the kidnapping, and Christian could not believe he still had not gone to Gilmor castle to bring back Keira. The council had been against such an impulsive decision and had advised him to deal with the matter smartly rather than impulsively for they believed Eric to have built an army against Christian and he certainly could not have helped Keira if he himself was dead. Even though Christian despised the wait, he knew he need not be so impulsive. Although the simple fact that Eric still had the audacity to go ahead and kidnap Keira stunned Christian, and this time, he knew he would kill the man.

Josh was already much better and constantly considered himself guilty for not being able to protect Keira. Although Christian knew it was not Josh’s fault. He had been knocked unconscious almost immediately, and both had been blinded by the surprise of the situation. Josh could have done nothing.

“We need to get her back as quickly as possible,” Christian said, pacing from left and right. He knew all his council members could see his anger as they gathered around him, but he did not care. His focus was entirely on getting Keira back.

“Me Laird, we have received replies from all the neighboring lairds, and they had agreed to aid ye in this time of need. They all have their own personal enmities with the Gilmor clan as well since Laird Gilmor had tried to loot them once or twice in the past years,” a senior council member replied.

“So, they have agreed to send their armies for the battle?” Christian asked, calming down slightly. If this plan truly worked, he would be marching down towards the Gilmor castle with the largest army ever seen in Scotland, and Eric would have no means to escape.

This was what the council had wanted him to do. They had received information that Eric had prepared his army for an impending attack from the MacPherson army and was waiting for Christian to arrive. The council knew that the Gilmor army had nothing against them, but they still had advised Christian to not take any risks.

Hence, Christian had written letters to every laird in the neighboring areas and those, which had come to his betrothal feast, informing them of what had happened to Keira and how Christian needed their armies to form a large army that would take down the Gilmor clan once and for all. Since every laird had agreed, Christian could see the plan finally coming to life.

“Send everyone letters back. We will march towards the Gilmor castle tomorrow morning,” he informed the council members, who nodded.

Now that he knew that he was only separated from Keira by the distance of one single day, he could not sit still.I am coming for ye, Keira.Eric must have been brutal with her, and Christian would not be surprised if she had bruises all over her body again. He certainly did not trust Eric at all in the matter.

Why had he even taken her with him?Christian was certain Eric no longer harbored any feelings for Keira, not that he had any feelings for her earlier as well, but at that time, he at least wished to marry her. This clearly meant that this time, Eric’s only motive was to kill Keira and nothing else. He was trying to avenge the humiliation he had faced by murdering Keira and, in turn, humiliating Eric since he had kidnapped her betrothed.

“Christian?” Josh’s voice made him turn around just as Josh walked out of the council room.


“Are ye alright?” he asked, clearly worried for Christian.

“Now that I ken we will be getting Keira back tomorrow, I feel better,” Christian replied, although he knew he felt anything but alright. He did not know if he was even capable of feeling alright through everything he was suffering already. The fact that Keira was in pain right now was enough to give him pain as well, and he would not be truly at peace or feel better until she was right there beside him.

“Ye do nae have to lie to me, Christian,” Josh replied, and Christian sighed deeply.

“Ye already ken I feel awful right now, Josh,” Christian shook his head, “I will nae feel better until she returns.”

“I ken,” Josh nodded, “have ye written to her brother and sister?”

“Yes, I wrote to them yesterday informing of Laird O’Donnelly’s death and Keira’s kidnapping. I assured them I would get her back, and I mean to keep that promise nay matter what,” he replied, sounding firm on his words. Christian had to get her back no matter what, or else he would never be able to live with himself.

“I think they will be coming here sooner rather than later,” Josh remarked. Christian nodded, knowing perfectly well the grief was too deep for all of them.

“I just need Keira beside me before they return here,” Christian replied, “and I will get her back tomorrow.”

* * *

The sight before him was more remarkable than Christian could have ever imagined it to be. He had always marveled over the strength of his own army, for he knew they were truly the fiercest warriors in all of Scotland, yet he had never once considered how the combined army of a plethora of clans would look like.