“Eric, why are ye doin’ this?” she asked him, simply trying to buy herself time so she could think of a plan to escape. She knew the man they had seen at the inn was one of Eric’s men, and he stood right behind her while Eric stood at the front. She was caught up from both sides.

“What am I doin’ besides taking ye where ye belong, Keira?”

“Ye ken I do nae want to go with ye,” she replied, “ye did nothing but hurt me, and I am in a better place now. Ye need to let me go.”

Eric immediately made his way towards her, his hand painfully clasping her arm as Keira tried to struggle to break his hold, but she knew he was impossible. He was nothing compared to Christian, but he was still much stronger than her, and it was almost impossible for her to break free from him.

If only Christian was here with me, she thought. Just then, it suddenly dawned on her how Christian had been pulled away for work right when he was supposed to be here with her, which only meant one thing. The feud in the marketplace, too, had been planned by Eric to make sure Christian was not with Keira. That would make Eric’s job of kidnapping her much, much easier.

“The only place ye will be going to today will be the Gilmor castle,” Eric said, dragging her away as he pulled her toward the back of the inn. The alley there was deserted as well, and all Keira could wish for was for someone to pass by. For Christian to find her but a part of her knew none of it was going to happen. This time, she was truly trapped.

“Christian? Ye were the one who had planned to take him away from me due to the false feud in the marketplace, no?” she asked Eric, wanting to confirm even though she did not need to.

“Yes,” Eric laughed as if truly happy with his planning, “he is there while I take ye with me.”

“He will come,” Keira said confidently, still unsure about how to step out of this trench she was stuck in.

“He won’t,” Eric shook his head, his hold on her arm only growing painfully stronger with every passing minute “Not anytime soon.”

“Ye do nae have to do this, Eric,” Keira tried to reason with him although part of her still knew it was going to be impossible, “please let me go.”

“Let ye go?” he laughed as if he had never heard a funnier joke in his life, and Keira felt her entire body go stiff at the sound of it. “Ye are nae going anywhere but coming directly with me.”

“Keira!” she immediately turned around at the familiar voice behind her, her eyes widening as she saw her father walk towards them, anger brimming on his expression.

She could not deny being glad to see her father even though his presence largely confused her, for she knew the note had been sent by Eric. Although, she knew he shouldn’t be here. She knew Eric would not think twice before hurting Keira if her father tried to protect her from him, and she would not let him suffer on her account.

“Faither, what are ye doing here?” she replied.

“I came to see ye, of course, when I suddenly saw ye at the inn, which was confusing since I had just sent a note to the MacPherson Castle telling ye I would come visit ye at dinner. I followed ye here and saw this lowlife,” he replied, looking angrily at Eric.

“Papa, ye need to go,” she said, stealing glances at Eric, “ye need to leave from here.”

“I will only go when ye go with me,” he replied, and Keira knew he was never going to listen. He was just as hot-headed as she was. “Eric, let her go right now.”

“Let her go ye said, Laird O’Donnelly?” he asked in all seriousness before bursting into laughter again, the sound hurting Keira unexplainably. A few more of Eric’s men arrived at the scene, and Keira could see hope for escape diminishing. She knew she would fight back till the end, but it would not be difficult for Eric to take her with him.

“Let her go at once, Gilmor,” her father shouted, standing right beside her.Oh, papa don’t do this.

“Or what?” Eric asked, looking him straight in the eye. “I do nae want to hurt ye, Laird O’Donnelly, but Keira is going with me, and that is final. Ye better stay out of my way.”

“If ye think I will stay out of yer way while ye kidnap my daughter in front of my eyes, ye do nae ken who I am,” her father replied, pride bursting through Keira’s chest as tears began to flow out of her face. She knew her father would stand up for her no matter what but standing up against Eric was nothing but dangerous right now.

“I do nae care if ye live or die, Laird,” Eric said, just as angrily, “ye can nae stop me.”

Eric tugged at her arm, dragging her along with him as Keira continued to fight back against his hold, but she knew it was impossible to escape. She could sense her doom.

“Eric, let me go!” she shouted at him, using all her might to pull away, but he kept dragging her along. Just then, her father stepped forward behind her, trying to push Eric away from Keira but it did not work either.

“Laird, I am telling ye to stay away from this,” Eric said again, “it will nae end well for ye.”

“Eric, I do nae want to go with ye,” Keira continued to fight back, “ye absolutely need to let me go. I will not go back to the Gilmor castle with ye.”

Her father immediately drew out his sword, pointing it towards Eric, “Let her go, or I will kill ye.”

“Hold her,” Eric said to one of his men who quickly took hold of my arm as Eric left me, drawing out his own sword. “If that is what ye want, old man. That be it.”

“No!” Keira shouted as she realized what was happening, “Papa ye must nae fight him. Let him take me!”