“Really,” he placed a peck on her nose, making Keira giggle. She did not know what it was about him that made her feel like a little girl again. “Is somethin’ the matter?”

“I need a favor from ye,” she told him, getting to the topic at hand instantly.


“My faither is in town and is staying at the local inn,” she replied, handing him the crumpled note in her hand, “someone from the inn just delivered this note, and Harriet brought it to me. I wish to go see him right now, and I want ye to come with me.”

Christian took the note from her hands, a curious expression on his face. Keira waited for him to say something, but he simply continued to inspect the note for several minutes, his eyebrows scrunched. She did not know what he might have been thinking, but she could sense he was majorly scrutinizing the note.

“Why did he nae come to the castle directly?” Christian asked, “he should be staying with us like Astrid, Aiden, and Flynn did.”

“I ken,” Keira nodded, “I believe he might nae like staying at yer castle since he does nae even ken ye personally, and he must be tired already. He must have gone to the inn to rest, or I ken he would have come for me directly.”

“I am sure,” Christian replied, “if the note is from yer faither that is.”

“What do ye mean?” Keira asked, confused at his comment. He had already seemed rather absorbed in studying the note just now, and she could sense he had formed an opinion about the entire situation. Although, her heart told her that her father truly was in town and the note had been sent by him.

“I mean there is nay stamp of yer faither on the note nor any stamp of the hotel. This is just a plain piece of parchment someone has scribbled upon. It does nae even mention ye or the laird at all.”

“I do nae ken what it means, Christian,” Keira shook her head, a sigh escaping her lips, “he is just sendin’ a note to his daughter from a few miles away. I believe his valet could have written it for him and he sent it in a haste. I have seen him send several such notes to members of the council throughout the years when he wished to call them. I do nae think we should really worry about it.”

“I ken ye wish to go.” Christian nodded.

“I do,” she nodded, “will ye go with me?”

“Of course, fox,” he nodded, “If it is indeed yer faither who is in town then we must visit him at once to inform him of our betrothal ourselves and how it was necessary to make sure ye are nay longer bound to Eric in any way at all. I need to make sure ye are safe.”

“I am sure he would love that,” she laughed.

Before Christian could say anything else, they heard urgent footsteps outside the door of the study, and the door quickly opened as Josh stepped inside, his gaze falling on both Keira and Christian as Christian held her close. Even with Josh present, Christian did not let go of Keira.

“Christian, there has been a matter which needs yer attention,” Josh said, his tone slightly worried.

“What happened?” Christian asked, finally letting go of Keira as he turned entirely toward Josh.

“Someone in the north market has started a huge fight which only began from a small skirmish. Although the matter is so heated, half the town is gathered there, and the fight is only growing bigger and more violent. Ye need to see it and try to somehow solve it,” Josh explained, and both Christian and Keira looked at him confusedly. The entire matter sounded nonsensical.

“Can’t ye go or send someone from the council along with soldiers?” Christian asked, “I am sure the matter can be solved without my interference.”

“The men who started it are insistent on meeting the laird and only taking yer help to solve all of it. They are persistent and refuse to move until ye show up. They have blocked an entire pathway, and several people are stuck because of it,” Josh replied, shaking his head, “I think ye will have to go.”

“This is absurd,” Keira chimed in, unable to understand how such a small fight could escalate to this level. Men could truly do anything.

“I need to go to the local inn with Keira since her faither is in town, and we are going to meet him,” Christian replied, running a hand through his hair, “Someone else will need to put an end to this irrational feud.”

“Only ye can do this, Christian,” Josh insisted again, clearly perplexed, “trust me, I tried my best to bring the parties to an understanding, but it is entirely impossible.”

Keira watched silently as Christian considered the entire matter silently. She knew he had a duty to his clan and people, and these angry men really needed him to solve their problems. She would not have any trouble if Christian decided to go help the man rather than going with her, and she knew she would totally be understanding about it.

“Keira, darling,” Christian turned towards her, extending his hand. She stepped forward in his arms, “will it be alright if I go sort this matter first and we can go visit the laird once I return?”

“Christian, ye ken I hardly have any patience within me,” Keira shook her head, “Perhaps I can go myself and meet him and ye can join me later?”

“I am nae letting ye go alone,” he said adamantly, “the matter needs to be dealt with carefully considering I have my doubts about who sent the note.”

“My faither sent the note, Christian! Ye just worry too much. The note arrived specifically for me,” she went on, holding his hand, "what if I take Josh with me for safety? I am sure he can take excellent care of me!”

“Are ye certain about this?” he asked with a frown. “Can ye nae wait a wee bit for me?”