“Keira,” Christian whispered her name, I will do anything for ye. I will make sure ye are always happy, and I ken how important yer family is to ye and how much ye value their opinion. Since they are important to ye, they are important to me, and it is me duty to make sure they get to ken me and like me for who I am.”

“They really, truly do,” Keira smiled.

“I like them too,” he confessed, “I can see how much they care for ye and how guilty they are about what happened with Eric even though it was nae their fault. I can see ye have grown up in a loving home, and I am happy.”

“I wish ye had grown up in a loving home too. That would have made me happy,” she replied. Her heart always ached whenever she remembered Christian’s childhood and the pain he had been forced to endure.

“If I had a loving home, I would nae have become the person I am today.” he said, and Keira knew he was right. He was an excellent man, and his life had shaped him to be this way.

“I would have liked every version of ye,” she whispered, and he laughed. Christian bent down and took her lips in a kiss as Keira’s hands slipped through his hair, and she kissed him too. He was both kind and calm and gentle. She knew she could not have done better, for she truly had the best man by her side already.


“Me lady!”Keira looked up just as Harriet made her way towards her, a note clasped tightly in her hands. Keira could sense excitement bursting through Harriet, which made her suddenly curious about the content of the note.

“What is the matter?” Keira asked as soon as Harriet reached her.

“A note has just arrived for ye from the local inn,” Harriet replied, out of breath.

“Harriet, calm down first.”

“I am sorry, me lady, I just thought ye would wish to see this immediately, and I came running to ye,” Harriet explained.

“What does it say?” Keira asked, extending her hand, “Give it to me.”

Harriet immediately handed the letter to Keira, who noticed that the paper was entirely plain, except for a few lines carelessly scribbled over it. She wondered who had sent it as she read it out:

Keira, I am in town. I am staying at the inn. Come see me. Faither.

It took her a few seconds to read what had been written over it, but as soon as she realized it had been sent by her father, she was ecstatic. The simple fact that he was in town and had come to see her was enough to make her happy since she had truly been missing him. It had been quite some time since she had left home, and that was the last she saw him. Keira truly could not wait to meet her father. The writing felt unfamiliar for she knew her father’s writing perfectly well which seemed slightly suspicious to her.

What if he had asked his valet to scribble it out and send on his behalf?It was a possibility after all. Keira waited for a few seconds and decided to ignore it, her happiness surging at the news of her father’s arrival.

“Someone from the inn came to give it?” she asked Harriet, who stood in front of Keira patiently.

“Yes, me lady,” Harriet nodded, “it got delivered just now and he said it was for ye, Lady Keira.”

“This is remarkable, Harriet! My faither is in town,” she was beyond herself with happiness, and she knew she needed to tell Christian immediately so he could go with her.

It was slightly odd to her that her father had not directly shown up at the castle but was instead staying at the inn and had written her a letter to ask her to visit him. She knew he had been travelling too long and must have been tired, or else he would have definitely come to see her himself rather than calling her. Although, what mattered to her was the simple fact that he was here.

“I ken, me lady,” Harriet nodded with a smile, “ye must go visit him at once. I will ask the cooks to prepare a large feast for tonight when ye bring him to castle for dinner.”

“That will be excellent, Harriet,” Keira nodded. She had definitely not given much thought to dinner, “I will go tell Christian.”

He was in his study, and under any other circumstances, Keira would have never disturbed him, but this was a rather important thing for her. The first person she wished to introduce her father to was Christian, and she needed to have him there beside her for that. She marched upstairs and softly knocked at the door of his study until he himself stood up and opened it.

“Keira?” he asked, a surprised smile on his face.

“Am I troubling ye?” she questioned guiltily, but she would have never done it if it were not the matter of her father.

“Ye can never trouble me, princess,” he replied, moving aside to allow her to enter, “come inside.”

“Ye just like me a little too much that is all,” she said cheekily, making him smile. She knew it was true. Christian cared for her enough to always keep her first, no matter what.

“That just be true,” he laughed, pulling her close as he placed a kiss on her forehead. “Whenever I see ye, I realize how much I have missed ye.”
