He smiled as he saw her feisty side emerge and realized how much he admired her spirit and character. She was beautiful. Christian was glad to see that she had healed past the trauma which Eric had inflicted on her and was quickly becoming herself again. That was all that he wished for.

“Why are ye always in a rage?” she asked him, looking disappointed.

“I am sorry, Keira,” he said immediately, knowing he might have overreacted a trivial thing.

“I told ye it was nothing, and he simply had a little too much ale,” she replied. “Ye do nae always have to make a huge deal out of the most trivial things.”

Christian knew Keira was right, but he would never be able to control himself if it was someone hurting her. He would have even killed Eric if it were not for her request, and he would have killed the drunk laird if he had crossed another line with Keira. He did not care if his perception of being a war-loving madman persisted; he simply cared about the people he loved.

“I ken,” he agreed, “I just lost my wits for a moment.”

“Christian, ye are trying to build strong political alliances with these clans, and ye will need to work harder for it. Such relationships do nae come into existence overnight.”

“Keira, I promise ye,” he sighed, holding her shoulders in his arms as he looked straight into her eyes, “I will try harder, but if anyone tries to touch ye, I will tear them apart limb by limb. Nay one hurts me lady.”

“And nay one will,” she smiled at him as if trying to understand his viewpoint while continuing to console him.

He nodded at her as they too made their way to the dining room and Christian assumed his position at the head of the dining table while Keira sat down beside him. He turned to look at Keira, who was once again involved in conversation with several people around her and smiled.

The general atmosphere of the evening had not dampened because of what he had done, and Christian knew that too was because of Keira. She had handled the situation quite well and had made sure no one took it seriously.

Just then, everyone suddenly quietened as a sharp whistling sound was heard through the air as if something sharp was slicing through it. Before Christian knew what had happened, an arrow cut through the air and landed right by his feet beside the chair. He looked up towards the darkness of the garden through which the arrow had entered the dining hall. Christian knew someone out there probably wanted him dead.


“Who shot that arrow?”Keira asked loudly, pushing back her chair to stand up. Everyone else at the table had become alert, too, as all conversation ceased. Christian walked forward to peer in the dark gardens through the open window, but Keira knew no one would be there. Whoever had shot the arrow had aimed for Christian.

“I have nay idea,” Christian said, turning around to face those on the table. Several soldiers, including Josh, walked into the dining room as the news traveled to them, and Christian motioned them to go search the garden and the castle grounds.

“Where is that laird? Could it have been him?” Keira asked, noticing that the laird Christian had almost killed a few moments ago was not present at the table.

“Nay, he does nae have the balls to shoot at Christian,” another laird replied, and Keira nodded.

Just then, she noticed Christian picking up the arrow and examining it. A piece of paper was attached to its end. As if someone had wanted to send Christian a message. She watched as Christian carefully pulled out the note and read it, his expression still impassive. He extended the note towards Keira, and her eyes quickly scanned over it, ‘You will pay for making a fool out of me’.

Who could it be?It was impossible to know with the plethora of enemies Christian had already.

“It was just a threat,” Christian said just as Josh came in and shook his head, informing Christian that no one had been found. Whoever it was must have known that being caught was out of the question and hence had disappeared almost immediately. Christian nodded back and turned towards his guests.

“Our betrothal feast has been quite eventful for ye all, just as it has been for us,” he laughed to lighten the mood since almost everyone appeared worried, “it seems as if someone is angry with me, but that is a problem for another time. Ye all must enjoy yer dinner.”

“Laird MacPherson, we will help ye in any way we can,” a laird told him, and Keira smiled at his words.

Several other lairds gave similar reassurances to Christian, and Keira that his purpose for inviting them all had been successful at last. He had been looking to form political alliances and strengthen his relationship with the neighboring clans, and exactly that had come about just because of this one arrow that had been shot at him in front of everyone. Whoever had done it, had certainly underestimated Christian’s power and the timing of their attack because it showed the lairds how Christian was the one being threatened.

The dinner went ahead rather smoothly after that, even though she could sense a certain tension in Christian’s demeanor. She knew he must be thinking about who it could be, for she was doing the same. The only person she could think about in such respects was Eric. He loathed Christian to a degree, but Keira had not expected Eric to seek revenge after Christian had left him alive. Despite that, Keira wondered if she had done something wrong by asking Christian to not kill Eric? Could she have put both Christian and herself at even greater risk? She hoped not.

* * *

“Keira?” Christian entered her bedchamber when everyone had returned back to their homes, and Keira had finally retired for the night.

“Ye are here,” she smiled and immediately embraced him. His earthy scent helped her feel calm once again after everything that had happened throughout the night.

“Are ye okay?” Christian asked her, looking at her tense expression.

“Just worried.”

“About who shot the arrow?” he asked her with a smile. She knew he understood her too well.