“I needed to tell ye something too,” Keira said, suddenly remembering.

“What? Is everything alright?” Christian asked, stopping mid-bite and staring at her earnestly as if trying to see if she was alright.

“Yes, everything is just fine. I wrote letters to my sister and faither yesterday and have told them about all that happened and how ye rescued me. I do nae ken what is happening out there and what do they ken about it, but it has been a while since I left home, and I am certain they must be worried about me,” Keira said quickly, hoping for Christian to not have a problem with it. She knew he was the laird and had offered her to talk to her father himself, yet she had gone ahead and managed the entire matter on her own without even informing Christian.

“I truly wonder why it took ye so long to do it,” Christian replied, taking a bite, “I myself had been worried about what they could be thinking about ye and yer whereabouts and how they needed to know it all through ye. I am glad ye told them.”

“I already knew I was safe here with ye, and Eric was nay longer a part of my life, although I was nae ready to tell them all that had happened to me,” she replied, “I’d have to say what ye had seen in that castle, the state ye found me in…My faither would never forgive himself for nae protectin’ me, but I couldnae delay it any longer. I am safe and they should know.”

“I am happy to ken ye felt safe here with me from the beginning,” he replied.

Keira smiled, staring at the handsome warrior in front of him. She had never expected him to be this kind and thoughtful about what she had told him, yet here he was, once again being an extremely ideal man. Keira did not know how she had gotten lucky enough to have found him in her life, but she was grateful.

“Ye are nae angry about the fact that I did nae ask yer permission before telling them about what ye did and how I came here?” she asked, clearly tensed to hear his answer, although a part of her already knew it would be in her favor. Christian truly was both kind and understanding, and he would support Keira no matter what.

“Why would I ever be angry with ye?” he asked as if amused by the prospect. “Ye are nae my subject, Keira. Ye are a whole person, and ye have the right to choose what is best for ye and what is nae. They are yer family.”

“Aye, ye are right. Thank ye,” she whispered, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. She had never expected this conversation to go ahead this way; hence was slightly surprised. “Now, what did ye have to tell me?”

“Let’s eat first,” he smiled and continued eating.

She did not push him further and laughed as he continued conversing about her other things, but all Keira could think about was how her life had led here. Just a few months ago, she had been at her castle and could not have even thought that her life was about to change this significantly. She had been forced to endure everything Eric put her through, and then God had sent her Christian in the form of her savior.

And now, this handsome man in front of her, who was feared by most of Scotland since he was famous for his brutality, was a man she couldn’t imagine her life without. Christian had earned her trust simply by being himself. He was nothing like everyone had painted him to be. He was a vicious warrior but at the same time, he was just a man who would do anything to protect those he cared for, and Keira knew she was now one of those people.

“Keira?” he called out her name, and Keira suddenly realized she had been so lost in thought that she had failed to listen to what he was even saying.


“Ye were nae listening to me, were ye?” he asked, sounding amused.

“I was thinking about something else,” she laughed, pushing aside her plate since she was done eating.

“Come with me; let us take a walk.” He stood up and extended his hand towards Keira, and she took it without a second thought. If there was someone in the world she had come to trust blindly, it was this man. He had never given her reason to doubt him.

He leaned closer to her, and the two of them walked side by side, silently. Keira felt at peace in his company. It was as if everything had turned right now, and nothing or no one could destroy her happiness. He stopped walking and suddenly turned her around so she would face him, and Keira looked at him confusedly.

“What happened?” she asked, looking around.

“Keira, I ken what I am about to say right now might come as a shock to ye considering we have nae known each other for too long, but I think it would be the best way to keep ye safe still,” he said, his words coming out slightly hesitant as if he was putting too much thought into this.

“What do ye mean? What is it?” she asked worriedly, hoping for everything to be all right. She knew she had just been marveling over how precious Christian was and how what they shared was something she could never have any doubts about. She did not want anything to ruin her happiness, and Christian’s words sounded too serious.

“Keira, I think we should get betrothed,” he said simply as if stating a universal fact.

“Ye do?” she asked, shocked. She did not know what she had expected, but surely a proposal like this wasn’t it. “I thought ye went to a duel for me for nay reason at all.”

Christian chucked as she teased him, and Keira laughed as well, trying to make sense of the situation. Sure, they had grown fond of each other, but a betrothal? So soon after her last one ended? It wasn’t that she didn’t care for Christian or that she didn’t trust him, but was she truly ready?

“I do, fox” he rolled his eyes at her reply, “and I ken it might be too soon for ye…I will never force ye to do anything yer nae ready for. I just think that that would be the safest way to keep Eric away from you, and to justify why yer stayin’ with me instead of going back to yer own clan. Noone would dare touch ye and Eric would never claim ye if ye were mine.” He was serious when he was talking, but the emphasis he put on the last word made Keira’s heart flutter.His. She would be his.

Christian cleared his throat and took her hand. “So…ye want to be betrothed to me, fox?”

Keira looked at him and closed her eyes, still unable to say anything. If she said yes, she knew it would mean something more.

“Christian,” she whispered his name and opened her eyes to look at him, about to say something, but he put his index finger on her lips, motioning her to remain silent.

“Listen to me first,” he said, “If ye wish to say nay, ye can. I will understand and I respect whatever ye decide. I ken ye just came out of a betrothal with a man as awful as Eric and ye might nae be able to trust me so soon after that. But my question will remain till ye are finally ready to agree. I will always keep ye safe and until ye decide, I implore ye to spend time with me and get to ken me better if that is what ye wish to do.”