“Are ye happy, Keira?” he asked suddenly, and she opened her eyes at the question, getting up to look at him.

“Why are ye asking that?”

“Because I need to ken,” he replied calmly.

“What do ye think, Christian? Do I nae look happy to ye?” she asked, a small smile decorating her face. She truly could not understand him at times.

“I would like to hear it from ye.”

“I am very happy,” she finally replied, “I do nae think I could have been happier anywhere else. If I were home, I would have been safe, but it is ye who makes me feel both happy and safe at the same time. Ye truly have been nothing but kind to me since the beginning and have helped me step out of the trauma inflicted on me by Eric. Ye are helping me get stronger every day, and I cannot thank ye enough for that.”

“Well, I think I just needed to hear ye praise me,” he joked. Keira rolled her eyes as she lightly smacked him on the arm.

“I knew it,” she laughed, “but I was serious about everything I said.”

“Were ye now?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Absolutely, me laird,” she nodded. “I think it is about time we head back. I certainly do nae have the energy to tackle any more of yer questions this early in the morning.”

“That is entirely unfair,” Christian laughed, standing up beside me as we walked towards our horses and untied them.

“I never said I play fair,” Keira shrugged.

“I always knew ye were cheating in the chess game last night.”

“What?” Keira asked incredulously, mounting her horse, “I never cheated. I am just a better player than ye are.”

“We will play again, and this time, get ready to be defeated because I am certainly nae letting ye win a second time,” Christian replied.

“Oh, we will see,” Keira laughed as they rode back towards the castle at a leisurely pace, each of them simply enjoying the company of the other.


Christian walked outsideinto the terrace, his gaze searching for Keira. She always trained with some of the soldiers precisely at this time of the day, and she had gotten quite proficient at sword fighting. She was no natural, and it took her immense practice to get somewhere, but he admired how truly determined she was and how much work and time she was ready to put into her training.

He often helped with her training since he could not help but feel slightly jealous when anyone else but him touched her, and he wanted to be there for her whenever possible. The two had been going out riding together almost every day. It had been two days since their little chess game, and her lips and soft body seared his memory for an eternity and beyond.

“Where are ye Keira?” he whispered to himself as his gaze finally found her just by the edge of the castle grounds. She had walked in from outside, walking beside some soldiers, a sword clasped lightly in her arms.

Christian could only think about how truly perfect she looked in that moment. She looked beautiful to him at every instant, no matter what, and he was getting used to feeling this way very quickly. A week ago, when the two of them had shared a passionate kiss, letting her go had been the most difficult thing he had ever done. He wanted her entirely, but he had known she was innocent. Much too innocent for him and still the betrothed of another man. He could never risk hurting her in any measure.

He immediately turned around as he heard footsteps approaching from behind him and saw Josh walking towards him hurriedly, a piece of paper that appeared quite like a letter clenched tightly in his hands. Christian looked at his brother questioningly as Josh extended the letter toward him.

“This came for ye just now,” Josh said, giving the letter to Christian, who immediately took it, his gaze falling to the Gilmor seal.

“Eric finally decided to write,” Christian said, sarcasm dripping from his tone. He abhorred the man entirely but had still been waiting for this tiny of piece of correspondence. He knew Eric won’t sit quietly for too long.

“Seems like it,” Josh nodded, continuing to stand by Christian, who immediately tore open the letter and began to read aloud;


Ye attacked my clan and castle and looted us in the middle of the night, but that was something I expected from a man of yer lower status and weakness of character. Although, ye have attacked my honor by kidnapping my betrothed. I was not sure of the fact up until now, but my sources have informed me that Keira is in yer castle, and ye have made a prisoner out of her. Ye have taken her from me only for the purpose of revenge.

I will show up at yer castle tomorrow with my army. Release Keira or prepare for battle. The choice is yers.


“That bastard,” Christian cursed, crumpling the letter in his hands, but Josh quickly took it away or else Christian would have torn it into pieces.