“Ask,” he said.

“Do ye ever miss yer mother?”

Christian sighed at the question as if he had been expecting such a thing. Each question she had asked earlier had been just as emotional too, and Keira knew Christian was a smart man; hence it was not too difficult for him to predict her.

“Honestly, I do nae remember her enough to miss her,” he replied, once again not meeting Keira’s gaze. She knew it was not easy for him to talk about himself, yet he was sitting in front of her doing it patiently and calmly just because she had wished for it. The knowledge warmed her heart.

“Then?” she asked, extending her hand across the table to hold his.

“I do miss her when I think of warmth and motherly affection or when I see some child or a grown man walking around the market with their mothers. I wonder how different my life would have been if she were still here, but she is nae. So, I will nae lie and say I never miss her, but I think of her now and then,” he smiled sadly, his eyes meeting mine again.

“I miss mine too,” Keira told him honestly. She knew she understood his loss, for she, too, had lost her mother. Her grief had not been as deep as his, but it was grief all the same, and she could comfort him as much as he wanted.

“One must miss their mothers,” he smiled again, taking a deep breath. “Let’s continue.”

They continued the game, and the next pawn to go was hers. Keira stared at the board as Christian smiled, his gaze sliding across her body. She knew he must be thinking this was the last thing she had on, but Keira knew he was going to be disappointed further as she stood up once again, her hand reaching for the undergarment she wore beneath her camisole.

Her fingers drew onto the band around her waist as she slowly slid away the sheer silk guarding her womanhood and slowly pulled it down, Christian’s gaze following her every moment. Keira only grew warm as she saw him watching her as if she wanted nothing but him, but she continued to keep a straight face no matter how difficult it was.

“Let’s resume our game,” she said, sitting back down, knowing her voice was husky. Christian nodded, not saying another word, and Keira immediately took away another one of his pawns with her next move as they stared at one another again. She could feel the raw passion in his eyes, and she knew she depicted similar energy.

“What do ye wish to ken?” he asked, sounding huskier still.

“When will ye kiss me again?” Keira asked as Christian’s eyes darkened. She could not deny the fact that she had been thinking about their kiss endlessly and had wanted just that again.

Before she knew what was happening, Christian threw away the chess board in one quick motion, the pieces clattering to the ground. He stood up from his chair as Keira stood up from hers, and he easily picked her up in his arms and placed her on the table, coming close enough that she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist as he bent down and leaned in just for a second as if waiting for permission.

Keira looked up into his eyes, and her gaze quickly dropped to his lips. That was all the encouragement Christian needed as his lips seized hers in a passionate embrace. He only dug in closer to her. She could feel his unrestrained passion through his trousers as he dug against her bare femininity, which too, was throbbing with a similar feeling.

“Christian,” Keira moaned his name as he backed away for a second before taking her lips wildly again, and the two continued to explore each other’s mouths hungrily.

Keira felt his hands in her hair as they went downwards and cupped her waist, making her feel small compared to his large palms, but her desire only rose at the feeling, and she continued to kiss him. He tasted heavenly, and she wanted all of him. Even closer.

She moved her hand all over his chest, her hands tugging at the hem of his shirt to remove it, and he dutifully picked up his arms, and she took it off his chest, her gaze falling onto his muscled torso. She had never seen a more perfect sight than Christian, and she quickly began to explore the muscles on his back as they continued kissing. Just as her hands reached the belt of his breeches, he immediately brought his hands forward and stopped her in the act, pulling away slightly.

“We need to stop,” he whispered, moving away immediately as Keira stared at him in confusion, wondering what had just happened. He carefully picked her up in his arms and placed her back on her feet as she tried to make sense of the situation. They had been kissing not two seconds ago.

“Why?” she asked him, even though a part of her already knew. She could sense he thought this was too soon. She knew it in her heart, too but she wanted him immensely, which slightly frustrated her.

“Nae so soon, darling,” he smiled at her, holding both her hands in his, “wait a while, and then ye can have all of me.”

Keira knew he respected her enough to try and make sure that he was not hurting her in any way at all. This seemed like the only reason he had stopped, and it did make her smile. Although, she took his words as a promise and could certainly not want to truly have all of him soon enough.


“Keira, be careful!”Christian shouted before her as she laughed and continued to sprint ahead of him, her horse galloping even faster now that she had finally learned to take control of it.

“Ye are fast enough to reach me, Christian,” she shouted back behind her, but before she knew it, Christian had already caught up with her, a stern expression on his face.

“Ye will fall and break yer neck, and I won’t, Keira,” he said angrily, and she knew he was right. It was true she had learned the art of horse riding and was getting better at it every day, but she still needed to be careful, or else there was a chance she would hurt herself. Now that she could ride bravely, she realized that she had been missing out on a lot and was simply trying to make up for it.

“Ye are right,” she said loudly, immediately slowing down as he slowed down beside her, shifting to a much slower pace.

“I want ye to learn to ride, and be excellent at it but try nae to go this fast in the middle of the woods where the ground is uneven,” he scolded again, and Keira looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Any other advice I must adhere to?” she asked sarcastically, rolling her eyes at Christian.

“Just this for now, my fox,” he smiled at her, and Keira could not help smiling back. His smile was infectious and made her feel things she should not have been feeling at all.